RuleType Enumeration

Defines the rule types that can be run during processing.
Public Enum RuleType 
   Inherits System.Enum
Dim instance As RuleType
public enum RuleType : System.Enum 
__value public enum RuleType : public System.Enum 
public enum class RuleType : public System.Enum 
CurrencyValueRule0 Matches currency values.
DataTypeValidationRule1 Validates date type.
DefaultConfidenceRule2 Always returns 100 confidence.
FieldBoundedRule3 Tests if a field is in a bounded region.
InsideBottomCenterZoneRule14 Tests if a field is inside the bottom-center zone of the page.
InsideBottomLeftZoneRule13 Tests if a field is inside the bottom-left zone of the page.
InsideBottomRightZoneRule15 Tests if a field is inside the bottom-right zone of the page.
InsideBottomZoneRule12 Tests if a field is inside the bottom zone of the page.
InsideCenterZoneRule17 Tests if a field is inside the center zone of the page.
InsideLeftZoneRule16 Tests if a field is inside the left zone of the page.
InsideMiddleCenterZoneRule10 Tests if a field is inside the middle-center zone of the page.
InsideMiddleLeftZoneRule9 Tests if a field is inside the middle-left zone of the page.
InsideMiddleRightZoneRule11 Tests if a field is inside the middle-right zone of the page.
InsideMiddleZoneRule8 Tests if a field is inside the middle zone of the page.
InsideRightZoneRule18 Tests if a field is inside the right zone of the page.
InsideTopCenterZoneRule6 Tests if a field is inside the top-center zone of the page.
InsideTopLeftZoneRule5 Tests if a field is inside the top-left zone of the page.
InsideTopRightZoneRule7 Tests if a field is inside the top-right zone of the page.
InsideTopZoneRule4 Tests if a field is inside the top zone of the page.
InvoiceRule19 Tests if this is an invoice.
LabelProximityRule20 Determines the distance between the label area and data area.
NearKeyValueFieldRule21 Determines if a field is near another specified field.
Used in the RuleDefinition class.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also


Accusoft.FSInvoices Namespace



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