ProcessingState Enumeration

Defines the processing state.
Public Enum ProcessingState 
   Inherits System.Enum
Dim instance As ProcessingState
public enum ProcessingState : System.Enum 
__value public enum ProcessingState : public System.Enum 
public enum class ProcessingState : public System.Enum 
Analysis2 Third stage. Template matching using the information acquired during Understanding combined with the template data. Using the matched template and the user-defined rule set, the information acquired during Understanding is distilled down to a final solution.
TemplateUpdate3 Fourth stage. Updates the associated templates with the information gained from this document.
Understanding0 First stage. The text information on the document has been OCRed, form fields are found and associated, and form tables are found and build.
VendorMatch1 Second stage. The vendor associated with the document is identified.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also


Accusoft.FSInvoices Namespace



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