Barcode Xpress Mobile for iOS
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BXResult Class Reference

Defines a barcode result returned by the iOS Barcode Xpress SDK. More...

#import <BarcodeXpressIOS.h>

Inheritance diagram for BXResult:

Instance Methods

(void) - getPoints::::
 Extracts all four points of the rectangle that surrounds the location where the barcode was identified. More...


NSString * m_value
 Gets the decoded value of the recognized barcode, encoded as a string. More...
NSData * m_valueData
 Gets the decoded value of the recognized barcode, saved as raw bytes. More...
NSNumber * m_valueLength
 Gets the length, in bytes, of the decoded value raw data. More...
NSValue * m_P1
 Gets the upper-left coordinate of a rectangle surrounding the barcode where it was located in the image.
NSValue * m_P2
 Gets the upper-right coordinate of a rectangle surrounding the barcode where it was located in the image.
NSValue * m_P3
 Gets the lower-right coordinate of a rectangle surrounding the barcode where it was located in the image.
NSValue * m_P4
 Gets the lower-left coordinate of a rectangle surrounding the barcode where it was located in the image.
NSNumber * m_decodingTime
 Gets the time (in millseconds) spent in the library code while decoding an image. More...
NSNumber * m_binarizationTime
 Gets the time (in millseconds) spent in the library code while reducing the input image to a black/white 1 bit per pixel image. More...
NSNumber * m_type
 Gets the type of the recognized barcode. More...
NSNumber * m_confidence
 Gets the confidence (0..100) that the value is correct. More...
NSNumber * m_status
 Gets the status value returned by the recognition library. More...

Detailed Description

Defines a barcode result returned by the iOS Barcode Xpress SDK.

Defines a class that holds the results of image recognition and barcode decoding by the Accusoft Barcode Xpress Software Development Kit.

Method Documentation

- (void) : (CGPoint*)  P1
: (CGPoint*)  P2
: (CGPoint*)  P3
: (CGPoint*)  P4 

Extracts all four points of the rectangle that surrounds the location where the barcode was identified.

The values of each CGPoint will be set with values extracted from the NSValue* m_P1, m_P2, m_P3, m_P4 members of the BXResult.

P1Upper left coordinate
P2Upper right coordinate
P3Lower right coordinate
P4Lower left coordinate

Property Documentation

- (NSNumber *) m_binarizationTime

Gets the time (in millseconds) spent in the library code while reducing the input image to a black/white 1 bit per pixel image.

Will be zero unless the library was compiled in debug mode.

- (NSNumber *) m_confidence

Gets the confidence (0..100) that the value is correct.

- (NSNumber *) m_decodingTime

Gets the time (in millseconds) spent in the library code while decoding an image.

Will be zero unless the library was compiled in debug mode.

- (NSNumber *) m_status

Gets the status value returned by the recognition library.

Anything other than StatusOK or StatusNoBarcodesFound denotes an error condition.

- (NSNumber *) m_type

Gets the type of the recognized barcode.

- (NSString *) m_value

Gets the decoded value of the recognized barcode, encoded as a string.

Gets the decoded value of the recognized barcode.

- (NSData *) m_valueData

Gets the decoded value of the recognized barcode, saved as raw bytes.

- (NSNumber *) m_valueLength

Gets the length, in bytes, of the decoded value raw data.

Gets the length, in bytes, of the decoded value.