16 #import <CoreMedia/CoreMedia.h>
17 #import <AVFoundation/AVFoundation.h>
18 #import "BarcodeXpressIOS.h"
26 @interface BXRuntime : NSObject <AVCaptureVideoDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate, UIAlertViewDelegate> {
50 NSMutableArray *m_threadQueues;
56 id __unsafe_unretained m_cameraReceiver;
63 id __unsafe_unretained m_recognitionReceiver;
69 id __unsafe_unretained m_processingReceiver;
136 @property (nonatomic, strong) AVCaptureSession *m_videoCaptureSession;
142 @property (nonatomic, assign)
long m_barcodeTypes;
148 @property (assign)
long m_numProcessedFrames;
154 @property (nonatomic, unsafe_unretained)
id m_cameraReceiver;
161 @property (nonatomic, unsafe_unretained)
id m_recognitionReceiver;
167 @property (nonatomic, unsafe_unretained)
id m_processingReceiver;
173 @property (nonatomic, assign)
SEL m_cameraCallback;
180 @property (nonatomic, assign)
SEL m_recognitionCallback;
186 @property (nonatomic, assign)
SEL m_processingCallback;
194 @property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL m_isPaused;
202 @property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL m_licenseAlertIsActive;
211 @property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL m_useBlurDetection;
217 @property (nonatomic, assign) CGSize cameraResolution;
228 @property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL m_terminateBackgroundImageSource;
246 -(id)initWithLicense :(BXLicense*)inLicense;
252 -(void)StartCaptureSession;
258 -(void)StopCaptureSession;
265 -(void)StartRecognition;
272 -(void)StopRecognition;
279 -(void)PauseRecognition;
285 -(void)ResumeRecognition;
299 -(void)SetCameraCallback :(
id)receiver :(
316 -(void)SetRecognitionCallback :(
id)receiver :(
330 -(void)SetProcessingCallback :(
id)receiver :(
348 -(BXiOS_Status)RecognizeImage :(UIImage*)image result:(
BXResult **)result;
367 -(BXiOS_Status)RecognizeImage :(
void*)image width:(
size_t)width height:(
size_t)height stride:(
size_t)stride result:(
BXResult **)result;
384 -(BXiOS_Status)RecognizeImage :(UIImage*)image results:(NSMutableArray *)results maxBarcodes:(
403 -(BXiOS_Status)RecognizeImage :(
void*)image width:(
size_t)width height:(
size_t)height stride:(
size_t)stride results:(NSMutableArray*)results maxBarcodes:(
410 -(const
char *)ReportVersion;
419 -(long)SetBarcodeTypes :(
427 -(AVCaptureSession*) GetCaptureSession;
SEL m_cameraCallback
Gets and sets the method that will be called to receive messages when a video frame has been captured...
Definition: BXRuntime.h:75
Defines a class that handles the interactions between camera hardware, BXInterface (called by user pr...
Definition: BXRuntime.h:26
AVCaptureSession * m_videoCaptureSession
Gets and sets the hardware manager for the camera interface.
Definition: BXRuntime.h:39
BOOL m_licenseAlertIsActive
Gets and sets a boolean indicating the licensing state of the recognition library.
Definition: BXRuntime.h:104
BOOL m_useBlurDetection
Gets and sets a boolean indicating if the recognition library should check if an image is blurry befo...
Definition: BXRuntime.h:113
long m_numProcessedFrames
The number of frames processed since the object was instantiated, or the most recent barcode recognit...
Definition: BXRuntime.h:33
SEL m_processingCallback
Gets and sets the method that will be called to receive messages when a thread begins the process of ...
Definition: BXRuntime.h:88
BOOL m_isPaused
Gets and sets a boolean indicating the running state of the app.
Definition: BXRuntime.h:96
Defines a barcode result returned by the iOS Barcode Xpress SDK.
Definition: BarcodeXpressIOS.h:150
SEL m_recognitionCallback
Gets and sets the method that will be called to receive messages when a barcode has been found...
Definition: BXRuntime.h:82
BOOL m_terminateBackgroundImageSource
Gets and sets a boolean indicating whether to terminate the background method that supplies image dat...
Definition: BXRuntime.h:130
CGSize cameraResolution
Gets and sets the camera resolution that is being used.
Definition: BXRuntime.h:119
long m_barcodeTypes
Gets and sets the types of barcodes that Barcode Xpress should search for and decode.
Definition: BXRuntime.h:45