Images Preferences

Image preferences allow you to select the default initial display, rotation, mirroring, coloring and general visual orientation of images for bitonal, color, PDF, and CAD files. Bitonal, Color, PDF, and CAD image types can each maintain separate settings for these entries. After making your selections in the Images Preferences window, click OK to save your selections or click Cancel to leave the settings as previously defined. Selections take effect on the next image displayed.

To restore the default selection for Images Preferences, select the Restore Defaults button. 

The Images Preferences window is shown below with descriptions of the options available:  



Initial display:



Additional Options:


In addition to the Initial display, Rotation and Mirror options defined under the Bitonal section above, the Color preferences window allows you to select the following: 

Additional Options:


In addition to the Initial display, Rotation and Mirror options defined under the Bitonal section above, the PDF preferences window allows you to select the Invert Colors option. 


In addition to the Initial display, Rotation and Mirror options defined under the Bitonal section above, the CAD preferences window allows you to select the Invert Colors option.


See Also



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