Namespace: vvConfig


These variables, defined in config.js, allow fine-tuned configuration of the viewer.


(static) activeGuideColor :string

Control the color of the active guide lines. This should be a CSS color string.
  • string

(static) adminCreated :boolean

If this is set to true, all watermarks will be marked as "adminCreated" and can only be modified by specific users.
  • boolean

(static) annotationDefaults :annotationProperties

Default appearance options for all annotations.

(static) annotationTags :Array.<string>

A list of strings that can be set as annotation tags. If this list is empty, the user will not be able to use annotation tags. An example set of tags might be: ["Confidential", "Redaction", "Social Security", "Credit Info"].
  • Array.<string>

(static) audioBackground :boolean

When enabled, audio won't pause when you switch tabs, allowing it to be played in the background while viewing other documents.
  • boolean

(static) audioCaptions :boolean

Whether captions will be enabled by default for audio or will need to be manually enabled in the media controls.
  • boolean

(static) audioLoop :boolean

When enabled, audio will loop when it finishes playing.
  • boolean

(static) audioPreload :string

Suggestion for the browser on how much of the audio file to start loading before the play button is pressed. This is only a suggestion to the browser and may be ignored. If the audio is set to autoplay, this setting will be ignored and the audio will begin loading immediately. Possible values are - "none": do not preload any data - "metadata": preload only metadata such as audio length - "auto": begin preloading audio data immediately (suggested for VirtualViewer)
  • string

(static) autoConfirmTextAnnotations :boolean

If true, a text annotation will update as it is edited in the annotation edit menu. Otherwise, the user must save or cancel the in-progress text.
  • boolean

(static) autoLayerPrefix :string

If oneLayerPerAnnotation is set to true, this value will be used to generate layer names for each annotation layer.
  • string

(static) autoLayerSuffix :string

If oneLayerPerAnnotation is set to true, this value will be used to generate layer names for each annotation layer.
  • string

(static) autoResizeStickyNoteAnnotations :boolean

If set to true, sticky note annotations will automatically resize as the user types. To update live, set vvConfig.autoConfirmTextAnnotations to true; otherwise, the sticky note annotation will resize when the text changes are confirmed.
  • boolean

(static) autoResizeTextAnnotations :boolean

If set to true, text annotations will automatically resize as the user types. To update live, set vvConfig.autoConfirmTextAnnotations to true; otherwise, the text annotation will resize when the text changes are confirmed.
  • boolean

(static) base64EncodeAnnotations :boolean

Enable or disable Base64 encoding of annotations.
  • boolean

(static) collapseStickiesByDefault :boolean

Whether to load sticky notes in a collapsed state. In a collapsed state, a sticky note is a square with no visible text, and can be expanded by the user.
  • boolean

(static) collapseStickiesSize :number

The default width, in pixels, of a collapsed sticky note annotation.
  • number

(static) consolidateLayerName :string

The name of the new layer that annotations have been consolidated into.
  • string

(static) continuousScrollBufferAfterSize :number

The number of pages to preload after the current page, to provide a smoother experience when scrolling down through the document. Note that browsers have limits on how many requests can be sent out concurrently from a web page, so expanding the buffer may cause performance degradation as page requests stay in a pending state before going to the server. On the other hand, reducing the buffer size may cause the viewer to appear slower, as users watch images load.
  • number

(static) continuousScrollBufferBeforeSize :number

The number of pages to preload behind the current page, to provide a smoother experience when scrolling up to previous pages. Note that browsers have limits on how many requests can be sent out concurrently from a web page, so expanding the buffer may cause performance degradation as page requests stay in a pending state before going to the server. On the other hand, reducing the buffer size may cause the viewer to appear slower, as users watch images load.
  • number

(static) copySelectedText :boolean

If text has been loaded from the server for a page, this controls whether that text may be copied to the system clipboard.
  • boolean

(static) customHotKeys :Array.<Hotkey>

Create additional, custom hotkeys to control the viewer.

(static) defaultThumbnailTab :vvDefines.thumbnailTabs

Define which thumbnail tab should be active when switching to a document. In some cases, the defined default may not be usable, in which case the viewer will fall back to another available option.

(static) defaultZoomLevel :number

Define the default zoom percent, if vvConfig.defaultZoomMode is set to vvDefines.zoomModes.fitCustom. Otherwise, the setting is not respected. This should be a whole-number percent out of 100.
  • number

(static) defaultZoomMode :vvDefines.zoomModes

The initial zoom of the document. If set to vvDefines.zoomModes.fitCustom, then vvConfig.defaultZoomLevel must be set as well.

(static) delayFirstPageLoad :boolean

Normally, VirtualViewer requests the first page image and the document model in parallel, which results in a faster document load. This may result in more server load if the requested document is a Microsoft Office format and is not yet in the cache. Set this value to true in order to delay requesting any page images until the document model has finished loading. This may cause slightly worse load performance across the board, but will prevent redundant server work when processing Office documents.
  • boolean

(static) disableAnnToolbar :boolean

Enable or disable the rendering of the annotation toolbar.
  • boolean

(static) disableDirectPDFPrinting :boolean

By default, VirtualViewer tries to use the browser's built-in support for PDF when printing. Setting this flag to false will force all browsers to use PDFJS.
  • boolean

(static) disableImageTabs :boolean

Enable or disable image tabs and remove the tab bar above the document.
  • boolean

(static) disableRecentlyViewedCookien :boolean

This setting will not save or load the display names cookie at all if true.
  • boolean

(static) disableRedactionWarningDialog :boolean

Disable the redaction warning dialog that users see when first attempting to draw a redaction. Please read the following before changing this setting.

Creating a Redacted Version

When marking an area for redaction on a document, the underlying text will remain visible, searchable and accessible to all users if viewed within the original document. Redactions are permanently applied only when saving, emailing or exporting to a new document with "Burn Redactions (Permanent)" selected.

Search and Redact

Any textual content selected for redaction in images (or non-text line art) within a document needs to be redacted MANUALLY following a visual search. The manual redaction option found in the Annotation Toolbar should be used. As above, redactions in such cases are permanently applied only when exporting, emailing or saving with "Burn Redactions (Permanent)" selected.

Visual Verification

Before saving or exporting a redacted version of the document, visual confirmation is strongly recommended to ensure all expected content has been identified and marked for redaction.
  • boolean

(static) disableToolbar :boolean

Enable or disable the rendering of the top toolbar.
  • boolean

(static) disableToolbarHamburger :boolean

This disables the Hamburger sizing of the toolbars if true. If false, it will shrink the toolbar down to hamburger at about 400px.
  • boolean

(static) disableUserPreferences :boolean

This is a high-level option, on whether to enable User Preferences at all, not just hiding the toolbar button. If this is enabled, User Preferences UI will not appear, and config values will not be available to change.
  • boolean

(static) displayThumbFooters :boolean

If set to true, thumbnails will appear with a small footer. For page thumbnails, the page number will be displayed; for document thumbnails, the display name will appear in the footer.
  • boolean

(static) doNotLoadPageThumbs :boolean

If set to true, the viewer will never request any page thumbnail images and display HTML placeholders instead. vvConfig.displayThumbFooters is a helpful option to enable alongside this setting.
  • boolean

(static) emailDefaults :object

Default options to populate the Email dialog. Many of these can also be set in web.xml or web.config; to these properties should be set to null or undefined to fall through to the server-side defaults.
  • object
Name Type Description
emailDefaults.prepopulateFrom string The default "From" email address.
emailDefaults.prepopulateTo string A default "To" email address, or multiple addresses separated by commas.
emailDefaults.prepopulateCC string A default CC email address, or multiple addresses separated by commas.
emailDefaults.prepopulateBCC string A default BCC email address, or multiple addresses separated by commas.

(static) enableAdvancedSaveMenu :boolean

Enable a dropdown menu for save that allows burning in redactions and annotations. If this is enabled, reloadOnSave should also be set to true.
  • boolean

(static) enableAnnotationCommenting :boolean

Enable or disable the annotation commenting feature. If enabled, users can leave comments on individual annotations.
  • boolean

(static) enableConsolidateAnnotationLayer :boolean

Enable or disable the layer consolidation feature. This feature allows a user to copy all annotations into a single, new Master Layer.
  • boolean

(static) enableCopyPasteBetweenSessions :boolean

If true, pages can be copied and pasted between different tabs or windows (of the same browser). If false, page copy and paste only works within the same tab.
  • boolean

(static) enableCrop :boolean

Enable the crop tool. Note that cropped images will always be saved as bitmap, rather than vector, images and may have their format overwritten.
  • boolean

(static) enableCustomOpacity :boolean|null

Enable or disable UI for customizable annotation opacity. If enabled, most solid-color annotations can be set to transparent or semi-transparent. If disabled, there will be no transparency controls for most annotations, although text annotations can still be set to either a colored or fully transparent background. By default this is null - custom opacity will be enabled if the server's annotation output format supports it. (Currently only the Snowbound Annotation XML format supports custom opacity.) This behavior can be overridden with this configuration: if you're using Snowbound XML but don't want custom opacity, set this to false; if you are using a format that doesn't support saving opacity but you want to allow users to create transparent annotations for immediate export, set this to true.
  • boolean | null

(static) enableDocumentNotes :boolean

Enable or disable the use of document notes.
  • boolean

(static) enableEventNotification :boolean

Enable or disable event notification, which is when the viewer sends notifications to the server on certain events like pageEvent, emailEvent, printEvent, and more.
  • boolean

(static) enableJSScalingForIE :boolean

Allow Internet Explorer to use Javascript image scaling when resizing. Javascript scaling is higher-quality than browser-scaling and puts less load on the server than serverScaling, but can be unreliable for some documents when using Internet Explorer due to the age of the browser.
  • boolean

(static) enableSVGSupport :boolean

Certain formats may be rendered and loaded into the viewer as SVG images. This setting determines whether the viewer attempts to load those formats as SVGs, or whether it loads all images as bitmaps.
  • boolean

(static) enableSVGSupportForIE :boolean

Specifically enable or disable SVG support for Internet Explorer. It may be desirable to disable SVG support for Internet Explorer if the viewer is experiencing frequent errors. Contact Snowbound support to determine if this is a good option.
  • boolean

(static) enableSVGSupportForIE :boolean

Specifically enable or disable SVG support for Microsoft Edge. It may be desirable to disable SVG support for Edge if the viewer is experiencing frequent errors. Contact Snowbound support to determine if this is a good option.
  • boolean

(static) enableSaveNotification :boolean

If this is set, the viewer will display a notification that a document is currently being saved.
  • boolean

(static) enableSaveOverwriteWarning :boolean

Enable overwrite warning if saving will change the original document's format to TIFF or PDF. That may occur if a non-PDF or non-TIFF undergoes page manipulations or other image modifications. If this is set, the viewer will display a dialog to alert the user to the change to their document.
  • boolean

(static) enableSingleClickImageRubberStamp :boolean

If set to true, users will be able to place image stamps with one click. Otherwise, stamps can be drawn with by dragging a rectangle on the image. If true, stamps can still be resized after placement, but will be placed on the canvas at the image's default size.
  • boolean

(static) enableStampAspectRatioLock :boolean

enable or disable locking of the aspect ratio. This will force the image to never become mishapen when you resize it.
  • boolean

(static) enableTextExtraction :boolean

Allow the viewer to retrieve text from the server. If this is set, text may be highlighted, copied, and redacted on pages that contain text. Not all formats contain readable text.
  • boolean

(static) enableTextRubberStamp :boolean

Enable or disable pre-defined text rubber stamps. Text rubber stamps, also called Custom Stamps, can be defined in vvConfig and modified in User Preferences. They are text annotations with pre-defined default text and formatting.
  • boolean

(static) enabledAdvancedSaveWarning :boolean

If true, and vvConfig.enableAdvancedSaveMenu is true as well, the viewer will warn the user about making permanent changes to the original document.
  • boolean

(static) exportBurnAnnotations :boolean

// TODO - unused
  • boolean
  • Yes

(static) fitLastBetweenDocuments :boolean

Set to true to use the previously-open document's zoom percent instead of defaults defined by vvConfig.defaultZoomMode and vvConfig.defaultZoomLevel.
  • boolean

(static) fitWidthPercentageDefault :number

set a number between 1 and .5 to default the fitWidthPercentage user preference to.
  • number
  • defaultZoomLevel

(static) fontNames :Array.<string>

A list of font faces. These fonts will be added to font dropdown lists. Annotations, watermarks, and text stamps will be able to use these fonts. Any font listed here must be installed on the client machine in order to appear in the VirtualViewer client, and must be installed on the server machine in order to appear in exported or printed documents. The font name here on the client must match exactly to the font name installed on the server. These fonts will be appended to the default fonts.
  • Array.<string>

(static) guideLineWidth :number

Guide Mode is a feature that displays movable horizontal and vertical lines on the current document, allowing a user to guide the eye to specific locations on the image. This setting controls the pixel width of the guide lines.
  • number

(static) helpURL :string

This URL is passed to when creating the help window. This can be (and often should be) a relative URL path to an internal help page.
  • string

(static) helpWindowName :string

This window name is passed to when creating the help window.
  • string

(static) helpWindowParams :string

These comma-separated parameters are passed to when creating the help window.
  • string

(static) hotkeys :Array.<Hotkey>

Configure keyboard shortcuts.

(static) imageInfoFields :Array.<ImageInfoField>

Define the fields that will be displayed in the Image Info dialog.

(static) imageScrollBars :boolean

Turn on scroll bars for the image display. This disables the pan tool. Please note that this variable is deprecated and will soon be removed.
  • boolean

(static) immediatelyEditTextAnnotations :boolean

If true, newly added text annotations will immediately enter 'edit' mode with the contents highlighted, so the default text can be overwritten.
  • boolean

(static) includeDocumentNotes :boolean

A default value for the Include Document Notes checkbox in Save/Export/Email dialogs. If this is checked, document notes will be appended as text pages to the document.
  • boolean

(static) includeRedactionTags :boolean

A default value for the Include Redaction Tags checkbox in Save/Export/Email dialogs. This is only respected if the Burn Redactions checkbox is checked.
  • boolean

(static) includeRedactions :boolean

A default value for the Burn Redactions checkbox in Save/Export/Email dialogs.
  • boolean

(static) includeWatermarks :boolean

A default value for the Include Watermarks checkbox in Save/Export/Email dialogs. If this is checked, watermarks will be included as part of the exported image.
  • boolean

(static) initialStamps :Array.<ImageStamp>

Defines image rubber stamps to load and display at startup.

(static) invertedPanScrollX :boolean

The pan tool allows the user to scroll without scrollbars. This setting may invert the horizontal scroll for a more natural experience.
  • boolean

(static) invertedPanScrollY :boolean

The pan tool allows the user to scroll without scrollbars. This setting may invert the vertical scroll for a more natural experience.
  • boolean

(static) lockedGuideColor :string

Control the color of the guide lines if they are locked in place. This should be a CSS color string.
  • string

(static) magnifierDefaults :object

Defaults for the magnifier feature.
  • object
Name Type Description
magnifierDefaults.zoomPercent number How much the magnifier will zoom the document underneath it.
magnifierDefaults.width number The width of the magnifier box.
magnifierDefaults.height number The height of the magnifier box.
magnifierDefaults.x number The starting X position of the magnifier.
magnifierDefaults.y number The starting Y position of the magnifier.

(static) maxInfoFieldLength :number

Limit the length of information fields in the Image Info dialog.
  • number

(static) maxNumberOfTabs :number

The maximum number of documents allowed to be open at the same time.
  • number

(static) maxZoomPercent :number

The furthest in that the user can zoom. This should be a whole-number percentage out of 100.
  • number

(static) maximumTimeoutsOnDocument :number

If an operation on a document times out, or a stuck thread is ended on the server, VirtualViewer increments a count on that document. If the count gets as high as the maximumTimeoutsOnDocument value, the document will be closed.
  • number

(static) midHorizontalThreshold :number

This allows the user to set a window width at which the toolbar buttons collapse into groups when the window is resized
  • number

(static) midVerticalThreshold :number

This allows the user to set a a window height at which the vertical toolbar buttons collapse into groups when the window is resized
  • number

(static) multipleDocMode :vvDefines.multipleDocModes

The viewer can retrieve a list of documents in several ways. If the document thumbnail tab is enabled, those documents will display as thumbnails.

(static) noteTemplates :Array.<noteTemplate>

A list of note templates. These note templates are document notes that can be added quickly with a click. They can be modified in User Preferences.

(static) oneLayerPerAnnotation :boolean

If this is true, each new annotation will have its own layer. Layers are saved in separate annotation files, so each annotation will be saved in its own file. If false, annotations will share layers, and layers can be renamed, hidden, and shown. It is recommended that this value be set to true for certain annotation formats.
  • boolean

(static) orderViewedDocumentsByFirstOpened :boolean

If vvConfig.multipleDocMode is set to "viewedDocuments" mode, setting this member to `true` will preserve the viewed documents list in the order that the documents were first open. It will not keep track of when the document was most recently viewed.
  • boolean

(static) pageManipulations :boolean

Enable/disable page manipulation. If this is false, users may not rearrange pages in a document.
  • boolean

(static) pageManipulationsNewDocumentMenu :boolean

In the right-click menu that appears on thumbnails, enable and disable the "new document" options: Copy to New Document and Cut to New Document.
  • boolean

(static) panIncrement :number

Define how far, in pixels, to pan for each arrow press.
  • number

(static) pictureControlsTimeout :number

Wait X milliseconds before requesting the adjusted images. This exists to throttle how many times the viewer processes every single pixel of the image. If the user quickly slides the sliders back and forth this will wait X seconds after the final slider adjustment before requesting the updated image.
  • number

(static) polygonNubFillColor :string

The color of the square handles used to resize annotations. This value should be a CSS color string.
  • string

(static) polygonNubSize :number

The size of the square handles used to resize annotations.
  • number

(static) polygonNubSizeTouch :number

The size of the square handles used to resize annotations, sized larger for a touch environment.
  • number

(static) positionLastBetweenDocuments :boolean

Retain the scroll position of the previously-open document. So, for instance, the user may scroll document A to the third page, and scroll a little to the right to center a particular form field on the screen. When the user opens document B, it will open scrolled to the third page and a little to the right. This setting works best with vvConfig.fitLastBetweenDocuments enabled, and with documents of the same approximate size.
  • boolean

(static) preferServerDisplayName :boolean

This setting will preferentially load display names from the server, rather than the recently-viewed documents cookie. With cache configuration on the server side, this setting will allow a content handler to update a document's display name.
  • boolean

(static) printBurnAnnotations :boolean

A default value for the Include Annotations checkbox on the print dialog.
  • boolean

(static) readOnlyAnnotationMode :boolean

Enable or disable read-only annotation mode. In read-only mode, users cannot edit, move or create annotations.
  • boolean

(static) reloadDocumentOnSave :boolean

Reload the document model after a save. This is particularly helpful if the content handler generates a new ID for a saved document, for instance if using versioning.
  • boolean

(static) restrictedPageManipulationFormats :Array.<string>

A list of document formats that should not allow page manipulations. This is a denylist, so will only apply if vvConfig.pageManipulations is set to true.
  • Array.<string>

(static) rotateTextAnnotations :boolean

Set this to true if the content of text annotations should rotate as the document rotates, and otherwise if text should always appear right-side up during rotation.
  • boolean

(static) screenSizes :Array.<number>

A two-member array, defining the initial width of the split-screen panes. These panes may be resized by the user. The initial widths are in whole number percentages (eg, 50 and 50) so should add to 100.
  • Array.<number>

(static) scrollSpeed :number

If a user is using a scrollwheel, this number represents how many ticks on the wheel it takes to scroll through one page of a document at 100% zoom. The default value is 30, so it would take 30 ticks on the scroll wheel. Put another way, one scroll event, whether on the wheel or by clicking the scrollbar, by default scrolls down 1/30th of the page. This setting controls the user's experience of how fast the document scrolls by.
  • number

(static) searchBatchSize :number

Define the number of pages to search at a time with document search. A larger value can increase efficiency for searching the entire document, especially for servers with a lot of resources; a smaller value can increase responsiveness and decrease the time to display initial results, especially for servers with fewer resources.
  • number

(static) searchCaseSensitive :boolean

Set the default case sensitivity for document text searches.
  • boolean

(static) searchColors :object

Specify the colors that will highlight document search results.
  • object
Name Type Description
searchColors.matchColor string The color of all text that matches the search term. The color should be in rgba format: "rgba(255,255,255,0.5)".
searchColors.selectedMatchColor string As the user navigates through the search results, the currently active, or focused, match will appear in this color. The color should be in rgba format: "rgba(255,255,255,0.5)".

(static) searchRedactionTags :boolean

Allow the user to tag redactions created by the search and redact action.
  • boolean

(static) sendDocumentWithAnnotations :boolean

The deprecated function sendDocument sets a number of its parameters through configuration. This setting controls whether annotations will be included on a sent document.
  • boolean

(static) sendDocumentWithWatermarks :boolean

The deprecated function sendDocument sets a number of its parameters through configuration. This setting controls whether watermarks will be included on a sent document.
  • boolean

(static) serverScaling :boolean

Force server-only scaling. The viewer will request scaled images from the server rather than resizing them client-side. Setting this to true will increase performance on slow machines, but will have more latency costs and put more stress on the server.
  • boolean

(static) servletPath :string

Path to the VirtualViewer server code. If using the VirtualViewer Java platform, this points to the VirtualViewer servlet, configured in web.xml; if using .NET, this points to the location configured in web.config. This path is the foundation of all VirtualViewer API calls.
  • string

(static) showAnnIndicators :boolean

Annotation indicators are small red checkmarks that overlay the thumbnails of pages containing annotations. This setting controls whether those indicators appear.
  • boolean

(static) showAnnNavToggle :boolean

A small panel in the page thumbnails tab allows the user to navigate between annotations on the current document. This setting enables and disables the presence of that panel and the button that toggles its visibility.
  • boolean

(static) showAnnotationList :boolean

Enable or disable the annotation list tab in the thumbnail pane.
  • boolean

(static) showBookmarkThumbnails :boolean

Enable or disable the bookmark manager tab in the thumbnail pane.
  • boolean

(static) showDocThumbnails :boolean

Enable or disable the thumbnail tab showing document thumbnails.
  • boolean

(static) showDocumentFilter :boolean

Enable or disable the document thumbnail filter. This is a text input box that allows the user to filter the document thumbnails by the document's ID or display name.
  • boolean

(static) showFitToPageOption :boolean

Whether to display the "fit to page" option in the print dialog. "Fit to page" will force image PDF pages to a standard letter size and center images on the page.
  • boolean

(static) showPageThumbnails :boolean

Enable or disable the thumbnail tab showing page thumbnails.
  • boolean

(static) showSearch :boolean

Enable or disable the search tab in the thumbnail pane.
  • boolean

(static) showThumbnailPanel :boolean

Display thumbnail panel when initializing the viewer, or start with the panel hidden.
  • boolean

(static) singleThreadedScalingMode :"server"|"browser"|"js"

An additional option for browsers that do not support WebWorkers (ie9). This will significantly degrade JS scaling performance. This setting defines the scaling method for these browsers. Valid values are: "server", like vvConfig.serverScaling; "browser", like vvConfig.useBrowserScaling; and "js", to use the default javascript scaling in a single-threaded manner, which is not recommended.
  • "server" | "browser" | "js"

(static) splitScreen :boolean

Enable or disable split screen. If true, the viewer may split the main viewing pane into two, and load a document in each pane. The Document Compare feature depends on this setting and will not be available if this is set to false.
  • boolean

(static) splitScrollLock :boolean

Enable or Disable scroll lock for Split screen. Scroll lock will make sure the two documents scroll together, which is useful for document comparison and other split screen work.
  • boolean

(static) stickyAnnButtons :object

Allow the use of "sticky" annotation buttons. The annotation will stay "on" until it is clicked again or another annotation is selected, so multiple annotations can be drawn in a row without re-selecting the button. Each key is an annotation type.
  • object

(static) synchronousInit :boolean

Force the very first server call, which retrieves server configuration, to run synchronously. This will block initialization until it is complete, and will ensure that only one server session (seen in the JSESSIONID cookie) is created. While this won't necessarily cause a large performance hit, it should be set cautiously.
  • boolean

(static) textRubberStamps :Array.<object>

Define default text rubber stamps. All these values an be modified in User Preferences.
  • Array.<object>
Name Type Description
textRubberStamps[].textString string The default text of the stamp.
textRubberStamps[].fontFace string A default font available in the browser.
textRubberStamps[].fontSize number A default font size.
textRubberStamps[].fontBold boolean Whether the text should be bolded.
textRubberStamps[].fontItalic boolean Whether the text should be italic.
textRubberStamps[].fontColor string A hex string, without the leading hash, of the font's color. For instance, "00FF00".
textRubberStamps[].fillColor string A hex string, without the leading hash, of the stamp's background color, or null for a transparent background.

(static) thumbPanelSide :boolean

Determine which side the thumbnail panel should be displayed. If 0, the thumbnail panel will will be displayed on the right. If the value is 1, then the thumbnail panel will be displayed on the left.
  • boolean

(static) unsavedChangesNotification :boolean

If the user attempts to close a tab or browser tab that contains an unsaved document, the viewer will pop up a warning if this is set to true.
  • boolean

(static) useBrowserScaling :boolean

Force web browser build-in scaling, instead of more resource intensive (but higher quality) JS scaling.
  • boolean

(static) videoAutoplay :boolean

Autoplay videos when they are ready.
  • boolean

(static) videoCaptions :boolean

Whether captions will be enabled by default for video or will need to be manually enabled in the media controls.
  • boolean

(static) videoControls :boolean

If true, display the controls on the HTML5 video player. If false, the video can be controlled through VirtualViewer API or by interacting with the player itself.
  • boolean

(static) videoMuted :boolean

If true, videos will load muted, and must be manually unmuted.
  • boolean

(static) videoPreload :string

Suggestion for the browser on how much of a video to start loading before the play button is pressed. This is only a suggestion to the browser and may be ignored. If the video is set to autoplay, this setting will be ignored and the video will begin loading immediately. Possible values are - "none": do not preload any data - "metadata": preload only metadata such as video length - "auto": begin preloading video data immediately (suggested for VirtualViewer)
  • string

(static) videoStretch :boolean

Whether the video player will stretch across the viewport of the viewer, or play at the video's natural size in the middle.
  • boolean

(static) waitDialogTimeout :number

Wait X milliseconds before displaying the "Please wait while your image is loaded." dialog.
  • number

(static) zoomLevels :Array.<number>

Define the intervals at which to zoom. The zoom in and zoom out buttons in the viewer will traverse through the levels in this array. These should be whole-number percentages out of 100.
  • Array.<number>

(static) zoomLock :boolean

Enable or Disable zoom lock for Split screen. Zoom lock will make sure the two documents zoom together, which is useful for document comparison and other split screen work.
  • boolean

(static) zoomTimeout :number

Wait X milliseconds before requesting the zoomed image. If server scaling is in use, this will reduce the server load by only requesting the final zoom level; if using browser scaling or JS scaling, this will increase performance by only processing the final zoom level.
  • number