TwainDevice Class Members
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Accusoft.TwainProSdk Namespace : TwainDevice Class

Glossary Item Box

The following tables list the members exposed by TwainDevice.

Public Constructors

Public ConstructorTwainDevice ConstructorInitializes the TwainPro component and passes in a workspace ID.  

Public Properties

Public PropertyApplicationIdentityReturns the ApplicationIdentity properties.  
Public PropertyCaptionReturns the Caption properties.  
Public PropertyCloseOnCancelSpecifies whether the TWAIN User Interface should be closed when the operation is cancelled.  
Public PropertyCloseSessionAfterAcquisition"Gets or sets a value indicating whether the session with the data source and data source manager will be closed before returning from the StartSession method."  
Public PropertyDataSourceManagerVersionSpecifies what version of the TWAIN Data Source Manager is used, by default it is set to LatestSupportedVersionAvailable.  
Public PropertyDataSourceManagerVersionInUseSpecifies what version of the TWAIN Data Source Manager is currently in use.  
Public PropertyEnableExtendedCapabilitiesEnables the extended capabilities CAP_FEEDPAGE and CAP_CLEARPAGE.  
Public PropertyEnableExtendedImageInfoEnables if extended image info attributes can be retrieved from the source.  
Public PropertyImageLayoutGets or sets the Image Layout rectangle for the current Data Source.  
Public PropertyMaximumImagesGets or sets the maximum number of images expected from a TWAIN Data Source that supports multiple image scanning.  
Public PropertyShowUserInterfaceGets or sets the Data Source User Interface flag.  
Public PropertyTransferModeGets or sets the transfer mode for scanning.  

Public Methods

Public MethodCloseSessionDisables and closes the current Data Source and Data Source Manager. For every OpenSession or OpenDataSourceManager method call you need to close the TwainPRO session with CloseSession. This method will also Cancel any pending image transfers if the Data Source was in the Image Transfer state.  
Public MethodDisplayUserInterfaceDisplays the User Interface.  
Public MethodDisposeDisposes of unmanaged resources.  
Public MethodGetCapabilityOverloaded. Returns a CapabilityContainer with information for the specified capability.  
Public MethodGetCapabilityConstantDescriptionReturns a description of a constant for the current capability. This is a runtime, read-only property.  
Public MethodGetCustomDataSourceDataGets custom data (current settings, e.g., DPI, paper size, color format) from the source to the application. The source settings will be returned in a format that is source dependent and not defined by TWAIN.  
Public MethodIsCapabilitySupportedOverloaded. Determines if the current capability is supported by the TWAIN device.  
Public MethodLoadSettingsLoads the scanner settings from file.  
Public MethodOpenDataSourceManagerOpens the Source Manager. Use this method only to set the Data Source without using the SelectSource method.  
Public MethodOpenSessionOpens the Data Source Manager and Data Source, placing TwainPRO into the Capability Negotiation state.  
Public MethodSaveSettingsSaves the scanner settings to file.  
Public MethodSelectSourceDisplays the TWAIN Data Source Manager's Source Selection User Interface (UI) so the user can choose which Data Source is the current Source.  
Public MethodSetCapabilitySets a TWAIN capability using the specified values.  
Public MethodSetCustomDataSourceDataSets custom data (current settings, e.g., DPI, paper size, color format) of the source from the application. The source settings are in a format that is source dependent and not defined by TWAIN.  
Public MethodStartSessionEnables the Current Data Source and places it into the Image Transfer state. Displays the Data Source User Interface if ShowUserInterface is True. This method will return when the user closes the UI if the ShowUserInterface property is True or after the image transfer if ShowUserInterface is False.  

Public Events

Public EventScannedUse this event to receive ScannedEventArgs information about the event.  
Public EventScanningUse this event to receive ScanningEventArgs information about the event.  

See Also

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