ScannedImage Class Members
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Accusoft.TwainProSdk Namespace : ScannedImage Class

Glossary Item Box

The following tables list the members exposed by ScannedImage.

Public Properties

Public PropertyScannedImageDataGets the ScannedImageData properties.  

Public Methods

Public MethodCopyToDesigned to make passing image data between different Accusoft components easier, this method makes a copy of this object's image data and gives the new image data to another object which can be defined in a different Accusoft assembly. When finished, both this object and the destination object will contain separate copies of the same image data.  
Public MethodCopyToClipboardCopies the image to the clipboard.  
Public MethodCutToClipboardCuts the image to the clipboard.  
Public MethodDisposeDisposes any unused resources.  
Public MethodGetExtendedImageInfoOverloaded. Gets the specified extended image info.  
Public MethodSaveFileOverloaded. Deprecated, please use SaveToFile(System.String filename) to save the TwainPro-compressed image to file or SaveSourceCompressedImageToFile(System.String filename) to save the Source-compressed image to file instead. Saves the scanned image to file using the specified filename and default save options.  
Public MethodSaveSourceCompressedImageToFileSaves the Source-compressed image to file, the scanner (source) has directly compressed the image via the hardware.  
Public MethodSaveSourceCompressedImageToStreamSaves the Source-compressed image to a stream object, the scanner (source) has directly compressed the image via the hardware.  
Public MethodSaveStreamDeprecated, please use SaveToStream(System.IO.Stream stream, SaveOptions saveOptions) to save the TwainPro-compressed image to a stream or SaveSourceCompressedImageToStream(System.IO.Stream stream) to save the source-compressed image to a stream instead. Saves the image to a stream object.  
Public MethodSaveToFileOverloaded. Saves the TwainPro-compressed, scanned image to file using the specified filename and default save options.  
Public MethodSaveToStreamSaves the TwainPro-compressed image to a stream object (the image has been compressed by the TwainPro software, e.g., PNG, TIFF, PDF, JPEG, etc).  
Public MethodToBitmapGets a System.Drawing.Bitmap object.  
Public MethodToHbitmapGets a handle to a bitmap.  
Public MethodToHdibGets a handle to a DIB.  
Public MethodTransferToDesigned to make passing image data between different Accusoft components easier, this method transfers this object's image data to another object which can be defined in a different Accusoft assembly. When finished, this object will no longer contain image data; the image data will be owned by the destination object.  

See Also

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