ExtendedImageInfoContainerValueCollection Class Members
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Accusoft.TwainProSdk Namespace : ExtendedImageInfoContainerValueCollection Class

Glossary Item Box

The following tables list the members exposed by ExtendedImageInfoContainerValueCollection.

Public Properties

Public PropertyCapacity (Inherited from System.Collections.CollectionBase)
Public PropertyCount (Inherited from System.Collections.CollectionBase)
Public PropertyItemGets or sets the element at the given index within the collection.  

Public Methods

Public MethodAddAdds an ExtendedImageInfoContainerValue to the collection.  
Public MethodClear (Inherited from System.Collections.CollectionBase)
Public MethodContainsDetermines if the specified ExtendedImageInfoContainerValue is contained in the collection.  
Public MethodCopyToCopies all elements of the collection to the specified array, beginning at the specified index in the array.  
Public MethodGetEnumerator (Inherited from System.Collections.CollectionBase)
Public MethodIndexOfDetermines if the specified ExtendedImageInfoContainerValue is in the collection and returns its index value.  
Public MethodInsertInserts an ExtendedImageInfoContainerValue into the collection at the given index.  
Public MethodRemoveRemoves an ExtendedImageInfoContainerValue from the collection.  
Public MethodRemoveAt (Inherited from System.Collections.CollectionBase)

See Also

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