Generate Thumbnails from Memory

ThumbnailXpress™ enables the application to generate thumbnails of images stored in a memory buffer or a user supplied image memory 'BLOB'.

PDF support is deprecated in ImagXpress; instead, please use PDF Xpress for PDF support via the UsePdfXpressForPDFsOnly property.

Generate Thumbnails from Memory

Call InsertItemFromMemory to load an image from an image memory buffer, and generate the thumbnail from the image. The LoadFromMemory event may optionally be used to supply the memory buffer. The application can specify the location in the thumbnail list to insert the thumbnail, the descriptor to be displayed with the thumbnail, and a user tag to record application-specific information about the thumbnail. If the thumbnail image data has a known status and type, the application can specify these (for example, specify ThumbnailStatus as validated and ThumbnailType as PDF). This optimizes the performance in loading the file, as ThumbnailXpress does not have to validate the file type. 

Generate Thumbnails from BLOB

Call InsertItemFromBlob to load an image from a user supplied image memory 'blob'. The LoadFromMemory event may optionally be used to supply the memory 'blob'. The application can specify the location in the thumbnail list to insert the thumbnail, the descriptor to be displayed with the thumbnail, and a user tag to record application-specific information about the thumbnail. If the thumbnail image data has a known status and type, the application can specify these (for example, specify ThumbnailStatus as validated and ThumbnailType as PDF). This optimizes the performance in loading the file, as ThumbnailXpress does not have to validate the file type. 

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