FieldType Enumeration
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Accusoft.SmartZoneOCRSdk Namespace : FieldType Enumeration

Glossary Item Box

An enumeration that defines the field type for recognition. For detailed information, see the page How To -> Define and Edit Field Types in the User Guide.


Visual Basic
Managed Extensions for C++


Currency10 The Currency Field Type with the currency symbols
CurrencyPlus20 The Currency Plus Field Type with the alpha currency labels, such as USD, GBP, etc.
DataValidationList150 The Data Validation List Field Type. This field type enables the use of a list of possible text results in recognition.
Date40 The Date Field Type, with year, month and day in a variety of formats.
Email50 The Email Field Type
GeneralText0 All supported characters in all supported languages.
RegularExpression140 The Regular Expression Field Type. This field type enables the use of a custom defined regualar expression in recognition.
SocialSecurityNumber60 The United States Social Security Number Field Type
Time70 The Time Field Type, with hours and minutes in a variety of formats.
UnitedStatesPhoneNumber80 The United States Phone Number Field Type
Unknown255The Unknown Field Type. This field type is not to be used as an input value of Reader.FieldType, but is merely a possible return value of TextBlockResult.FieldType after recognition is performed, indicating that the area of interest is not being recognized as the specified field type successfully.
URL130 The URL Field Type

Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also

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