Storing Images
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Concepts > Storing Images

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Images Stored on a Server

Commonly used web browsers, including Internet Explorer and Firefox, use MIME types to determine which plug-in, helper application, or ActiveX to use to view the requested image. For your browser to use Prizm® Viewer to see specific image types, these MIME types must be associated with Prizm Viewer either at install time (required by Firefox) OR by updating Preferences\File Associations after the product is installed. MIME types must also be defined on your Web server. The MIME types listed in the Supported MIME Types topic need to be added to the Web server by your Website administrator. The information your administrator needs is contained in the table.

Images Stored Locally

Naming your local image files correctly is very important. Your Web browser uses the extension portion of the file name to determine what “type” of file needs attention and how to process that file (much like File Manager or Explorer uses associations to automatically launch applications). Internet Explorer and Firefox look at the extension of the image file, look up the plug-in, helper application, or ActiveX that handles that type of image, and then launches the Viewer, helper application, or ActiveX (and sends the contents of the file to it).

If you have file types that are supported by Prizm Viewer, but that do not have a defined extension, rename the files so they have an extension that matches any of the MIME types listed in the Supported MIME Types topic. Prizm Viewer will then be able to display them. You can also set up your Web server so that it associates the extension of your files with any of the MIME types handled by Prizm Viewer. The Web server passes a stream to the Web browser telling it what type of file it is "passing." When the Web browser sees a MIME type handled by Prizm Viewer, it calls the Viewer to handle it regardless of the actual file format or extension of the file.

List Files

Prizm Viewer also supports Image List Files. You can use list files to associate individual image files into a multiple page document (much like a multiple page TIFF file) or set of files treated as one. Files ending in "lst" or "pzm" are Prizm Viewer 7 legacy list files. Files transferred with the MIME type of image/x-lst (*.lst), or image/x-list (*.list), will be displayed by Prizm Viewer. 

Files transferred with the MIME type of image/x-pzm (*.pzm) are Image Print List Files and will be printed by Prizm Viewer. For more information about list files, refer to View Image List Files.

Non-editable legacy Note annotation - If you are viewing a legacy image or image list file that contains a non-editable Note annotation, you will be able to mouse-over the annotation and view the Note annotation content. However, you will not be able to select the Note annotation or edit its content.

Notes & Tips

Important Note for Firefox Users

Due to limitations imposed by the Firefox browser, the only way to revise file associations for Firefox users is to re-install Prizm Viewer. File Associations may be selected during the install process, or they can be set using a configuration file designed for the purpose. Refer to the Prizm Viewer Admin Tools Help for additional information related to using the Prizm Viewer Configuration application to create customized configuration files.

Prizm Viewer does not support URL's with unicode values in file names. If there are unicode values in a file name, Prizm Viewer will not display the image.


See Also

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