Accusoft Prizm Viewer Control v10.0
InitialNewTextAnnotationTextStyle Property
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PrizmControl Object : InitialNewTextAnnotationTextStyle Property

Glossary Item Box


Gets and sets the font for new text annotations.

Property Type

Read-write property


Visual Basic
Public Property InitialNewTextAnnotationTextStyle As Font

Return Type

A font value.


The default value is 12-point Courier New.

Set this property in the Object/Embed tag or during the OnInitialize event.

The scope of this property depends on where it is set. For more information, see the Initial Property Scope topic.


Here is VBScript code snippit showing how to get, change, and set a text style using the Prizm Viewer scripting interface:

<SCRIPT language=VBscript>
Private Sub prizm_OnInitialize
 Dim f
 set f = prizm.InitialNewTextAnnotationTextStyle
 f.Weight = 700
 f.Name = "Freestyle Script"
 f.Size = 24
 set prizm.InitialNewTextAnnotationTextStyle = f
<OBJECT ID="prizm" CLASSID="CLSID:7A2633F0-33D5-4F5E-93BE-74ACBEE7F7EA" height="200" width="500" >

See Also

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