Initial Property Scope
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Concepts > Initial Property Scope

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Properties that set initial values that begin with “Initial…” (i.e., InitialMouseTool) can be set in multiple locations. Where they are set, determines the “scope” of where these properties will affect the images displayed. The following table identifies where scope may be defined, and the implication of setting the property in that location.   

Location of Setting

Scope Applies To 

Installation Customization 

Global Preference - All images displayed may use this setting. This property value would not be used if the same property were set in the object/embed tag, a list file element, or OnInitialize event. 

Object/Embed Tag 

Session - All images displayed in this instance of Prizm Viewer may use this setting, unless it is also set in a list file, or OnInitialize event. 

List File - PrizmViewerListFile Element

Session - All images displayed in this instance of Prizm Viewer may use this setting (unless it is set in an ImageSettingsList element in the same list file that applies to an ImageFileList element). 

OnInitialize Event  

Session - The image that has been loaded.

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