Accusoft Prizm Viewer Control v10.0
InitialImageScalingRatio Property
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PrizmControl Object : InitialImageScalingRatio Property

Glossary Item Box


Gets and sets the initial image scaling ratio.

Property Type

Read-write property


Visual Basic
Public Property InitialImageScalingRatio As Double

Return Type

A double value which represents the initial scaling ratio.


The default value is 1.0 (actual size).

Note: Prizm Viewer sets the scaling from image pixels to screen pixels using this property.

Prizm Viewer will keep ImageScalingFactor and ImageScalingRatio in sync, but cannot keep InitialImageScalingFactor and InitialImageScalingRatio in sync. You should not set both InitialImageScalingFactor and InitialImageScalingRatio properties.

This property is used when the ImageScalingMethod is set to PV_ScalingMethod_Ratio (4) or PV_ScalingMethod_RatioLocation (5).

Set this property in the Object/Embed tag or during the OnInitialize event.

The scope of this property depends on where it is set. For more information, refer to the Initial Property Scope topic.

Note: For PDF and CAD images, this property and InitialImageScalingFactor have the identical effect because these types of images are not pixel based.

Note: CAD images are generally not displayed actual size unless the size unit for the CAD image is in inches. All other units are treated as inches and scaled accordingly.

See Also

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