Customize the MIME Types
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How To > Customize the MIME Types

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Prizm® Viewer provides support for custom MIME types. The custom MIME types/file extensions can be specified during installation using the installation Configuration file. The MIME types/file extensions can consist of any of the standard values the product supports, or a set of custom MIME types/file extensions can be specified.

Important Considerations

Caution: If using a custom MIME type, you should take care to define a type that is unique to your organization or document management system. This will help avoid conflicts with other established file associations on end user systems. For example, if your company name is ACME, then you could use the custom MIME type “image/x-acme-prizm” for files that should be displayed using Prizm Viewer. 

Custom MIME types for public web sites are especially useful to prevent overwriting existing file associations on user systems. A custom MIME type allows users to take advantage of Prizm Viewer for files accessed through your system, but continue to use their preferred applications for display of files from other systems or web sites.

If you intend to use Prizm Viewer in conjunction with a internet application, you are encouraged to use the Permanent MIME types when delivering image content, since permanent MIME types are not affected by MIME type customization. For Internet Explorer applications, use of the Object tag where the CLASSID is specified as a parameter will also ensure that Prizm Viewer opens your content.

When specifying the supported MIME types and file extensions, there are four settings that must be made (one value in each setting):



Supported MIME Types

String containing the MIME type(s) for images to be supported.

Supported MIME Type Actions

String containing the Actions for each of the MIME type/extension pairs supported, indicating whether the document is viewed, printed, or saved. This value is represented with a single digit, representing the Prizm Viewer Mode. Each value digit is either a “P” for Prizm Viewer Print Mode, “E” for Prizm Viewer Export Mode, or “V” for Prizm Viewer View mode.

Supported MIME Type Extensions

String containing the filename extension(s) for images to be supported.

Supported MIME Type Descriptions

String containing the description(s) of MIME type/extension to be supported.

Supported MIME Type States

String containing the Flags for each of the MIME type/extension pairs supported, indicating whether the association is enabled or disabled for the MIME type / extension. This value consists of two digits, the first representing whether the MIME type is enabled, the second representing if the extension is enabled. Each value digit is either a "0" or "1", where 0 refers to disabled, and 1 refers to enabled. For example, in the table below, the value would be "00", since the association for application/pdf is not enabled by default, but for Image/tif, the value would be "11" since the association for the MIME type and extension are both enabled.

Check File Associations At Startup

When set to True, users are alerted if any file associations have been changed due to an installation of another application that supports the same file associations or another user (who is an administrator). The file associations that have changed will appear in the File Association Preferences as "under-intensified" or "grayed out".



The following example sets the MIME types to support two TIF and three JPG image MIME types and extensions, their descriptions, and enables MIME and extension support for each. This also includes the custom MIME type described above, the "Acme MIME Type." The permanent MIME types/extensions would also be included in this list (but should not be added):

Configuration File Syntax Example Copy Code
Supported MIME Type Descriptions=JPEG|JPEG|JPEG|TIFF|TIFF|Prizm List File|Prizm List File|Prizm Print List|Acme Mime Type
Supported MIME Types=image/jpe|image/jpg|image/jpeg|image/tiff|image/tif|image/x-list|image/x-lst|image/x-pzm|image/x-acme-prizm
Supported MIME Type Extensions=jpeg|jpg|jpeg|tiff|tif|list|lst|pzm|xacme
Supported MIME Type States=11|11|11|11|11|11|11|11|11
Supported MIME Type Action=V|V|V|E|E|P|P|V|E

See Also

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