PrizmDoc Viewer v13.5 - Updated
Install on a Headless Environment
Get Started! > 2 - Install PrizmDoc Server (Self-Hosted only) > Install on Linux > Install on a Headless Environment

Install on a Headless Environment

Use the following steps to install PrizmDoc in a Linux headless environment:

NOTE: PrizmDoc v12.0 requires a clean installation when migrating from an earlier version than 12.0. You must first uninstall any previous versions of PrizmDoc and reboot your system. Only then should you install PrizmDoc v12.0.

Make sure you log in as root to the machine. All command lines preceded by the '>' sign are the example output of that command, where applicable.

Verify the System's Locale

  1. To ensure your system's locale is specified, run the command:


  2. If the LC_ALL entry is not set, you must specify it with the following:


    export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8"
    sudo localedef -v -c -i en_US -f UTF-8 en_US.UTF-8

Step 1 - Download PrizmDoc

IMPORTANT: Before downloading PrizmDoc, be aware that packages are only available for 64-bit systems.

Before downloading PrizmDoc, you will need to purchase a license key or request a Trial Evaluation by filling out the following form:

Once you have purchased a license key or filled out the form for a Trial Evaluation, you can download PrizmDoc by:

  1. Following the link provided in the response email and selecting the desired Linux Distribution.


  2. Downloading directly to the Linux server using the 'wget' command for the specific distribution as shown below:


    1. You must substitute the version of the package you are using in the code examples below. For example, if you are using v11.0, then specify "11.0" instead of "<version>". If the version is a hot fix, you will also need to specify the hot fix number, for example, "11.0.1".
    2. Instructions assume that 'wget' has already been installed on the server OS.

    Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS (prior to v7) and Similar Older Linux Distributions



    Red Hat Enterprise Linux and CentOS v7 (and later)



    Ubuntu Linux Distributions

    Server Example


    Generic .tar.gz Distribution

    Server Example


    For license questions, fill out the form at

Step 2 - Unpack & Install the Downloaded Archive

Open a command line and change to the location where you downloaded the tarball. Use the following command line examples appropriate for your distribution to:

  1. Decompress and unpack the downloaded file. After you have unpacked the archive, the contents will have been decompressed into directories named: prizmdoc_client_<version>.<arch>[.rpm|.deb] and prizmdoc_server_<version>.<arch>[.rpm|.deb].
  2. Change to the unpacked directory and install the packages.

    Red Hat, CentOS, and Older Linux Distributions

    The following example is for Red Hat, CentOS, and older Linux distributions:

    Viewer Example

    tar -xzvf prizmdoc_client_*.tar.gz
    cd prizmdoc_client_*
    yum install --nogpgcheck *.rpm

    Server Example

    tar -xzvf prizmdoc_server_*.tar.gz
    cd prizmdoc_server_*
    yum install --nogpgcheck *.rpm

    NOTE: For CentOS 5.x, the following additional dependencies must be installed prior to PrizmDoc RPM installation:

    • _openjpeg-libs-1.3-7.el5.x86_64.rpm_
    • _pixman-0.22.0-2.2.el5_10.x86_64.rpm_

    The Prizm installer does not install them automatically. Please manually download these packages and then install them using --nogpgcheck flag as follows:


    yum install --nogpgcheck ./openjpeg-libs-1.3-7.el5.x86_64.rpm
    yum install --nogpgcheck ./pixman-0.22.0-2.2.el5_10.x86_64.rpm

    Ubuntu Linux Distributions

    The following example is for Ubuntu Linux distributions:

    Viewer Example

    tar -xzvf prizmdoc_client_*.deb.tar.gz
    cd prizmdoc_client_*.deb
    sudo dpkg -i *.deb
    # 'dpkg' does not resolve dependencies automatically, so please ignore possible errors, if you did not install required dependencies yet, and invoke next command
    sudo apt-get -f install

    Server Example

    tar -xzvf prizmdoc_server_*.deb.tar.gz
    cd prizmdoc_server_*.deb
    sudo dpkg -i *.deb
    # 'dpkg' does not resolve dependencies automatically, so please ignore possible errors, if you did not install required dependencies yet, and invoke next command
    sudo apt-get -f install

    Generic .tar.gz Distribution

    We also provide a generic .tar.gz package. Please review the System Requirements and Supported Environments topic to ensure compatibility. You will also need to install the dependencies described in the Requirements section. Once the dependencies are installed, you can install the .tar.gz with the following commands as root:

    Viewer Example

    tar -xzvf prizmdoc_client*.tar.gz
    cd prizmdoc_client_*
    ls prizm-*.tar.gz | xargs -n1 tar zxf
    cp -R prizm /usr/share/

    Server Example

    tar -xzvf prizmdoc_server*.tar.gz
    cd prizmdoc_server_*
    ls prizm-*.tar.gz | xargs -n1 tar zxf
    cp -R prizm /usr/share/
  3. Add symbolic links to the fonts directory and update system fonts cache to enable the usage of installed fonts by PrizmDoc services.

    Server Example

     ln -s /usr/share/prizm/modules/poppler/fonts/accusoft_prizm_fonts.conf
     /etc/fonts/conf.d/99-accusoft_prizm_fonts.conf fc-cache -f

Step 3 - Configure

  1. Run the following commands to initiate setup:


    cd /usr/share/prizm
    sudo ./

    The setup script will now invoke a text-based wizard for licensing:

    NOTE: To install a license at the end of the evaluation period, (for example, a deployment license), run the following command:


    ./ eval get

    If you already have a license for PrizmDoc, you can use one of the other licensing options, detailed in the Command Line Mode Licensing section of the help.

  2. To confirm the licensing has succeeded, run the following command, which will output your license key:


    cat ./prizm-services-config.yml | grep license.key
    > license.key=<long string>

Step 4 - Verify that the Installation was Successful

  1. Open the PrizmDoc Services Status Page as described in the Checking PrizmDoc Server Health topic and verify the PrizmDoc Services are running.
  2. Your installation is now complete.