PrizmDoc Viewer v13.5 - Updated
Install on Linux
Get Started! > 3 - Install Viewer Assets & PAS > PrizmDoc Cloud > Install the Viewer > Install on Linux

To install the PrizmDoc Viewer using PrizmDoc Cloud, follow the steps provided in this section:

Some steps are specific to a particular Linux distribution; these steps will be labeled as being specific to one of the following:

NOTE: Make sure you log in as root to the machine.

Step 1 - Download the PrizmDoc Viewer Linux Distribution

NOTE: Packages are only available for 64-bit systems.

You can download PrizmDoc by doing one of the following:


Step 2 - Unpack & Install the Downloaded Archive

Open a command line and change to the location where you downloaded the tarball. Use the following command line examples appropriate for your distribution to:

  1. Decompress and unpack the downloaded file. After you have unpacked the archive, the contents will have been decompressed into a directory named prizmdoc_client_<version>.<arch>[.rpm|.deb].
  2. Change to the unpacked directory and install the packages.

    Red Hat, Fedora, CentOS, and Older Linux Distributions

    The following example is for Red Hat, Fedora, CentOS, and older Linux distributions:


    tar -xzvf prizmdoc_client_*.rpm.tar.gz
    cd prizmdoc_client_*.rpm
    yum install --nogpgcheck *.rpm

    Ubuntu Linux Distributions

    The following example is for Ubuntu Linux distributions:


    tar -xzvf prizmdoc_client_*.deb.tar.gz
    cd prizmdoc_client_*.deb
    sudo dpkg -i *.deb
    # 'dpkg' does not resolve dependencies automatically, so please ignore possible errors, if you did not install required dependencies yet, and invoke next command
    sudo apt-get -f install

    Generic .tar.gz Distribution

    We also provide a generic .tar.gz package. Please review the System Requirements and Supported Environments topic to ensure compatibility. You will also need to install the dependencies described in the Requirements section. Once the dependencies are installed, you can install the .tar.gz with the following commands as root:


    tar -xzvf prizmdoc_client_*.tar.gz
    cd prizmdoc_client_*
    ls prizm-*.tar.gz | xargs -n1 tar zxf
    cp -R prizm /usr/share/

Step 3 (Optional) - Including PAS to the Boot Sequence

You can configure PAS to start/stop together with the system in two steps:

  1. Create a symbolic link to ./pas/pm2/ in the /etc/init.d/ directory:


    ln -s /usr/share/prizm/pas/pm2/ /etc/init.d/pas
  2. Register PAS as an init script, so that it is managed by the system. This step is platform-dependent.

    Red Hat, Fedora, CentOS, and Older Linux Distributions


    chkconfig --add pas

    Ubuntu Linux Distributions


    update-rc.d pas defaults

Once this is done, the system should stop PAS when going to reboot or shutdown, and will be started again when booting the server.

Excluding PAS from the Boot Sequence

If you want to prevent PAS from starting/stopping together with the system, you need to revert Step 2 from the section above. This can be performed as follows:

Red Hat, Fedora, CentOS, and Older Linux Distributions


chkconfig --del pas

Ubuntu Linux Distributions


update-rc.d -f pas remove