PrizmDoc® Viewer v13.27 Release - Updated
PrizmDoc Viewer / API Reference / PAS REST API / Viewer Support / Search Tasks
In This Topic
    Search Tasks
    In This Topic


    The search task REST API is used by our viewer to perform server-side searching and text retrieval against a document which is currently being viewed.

    This REST API is designed primarily for our viewer. If your application needs to perform document search without a viewer involved, we recommend you use PrizmDoc Server’s search context and search tasks REST APIs directly.

    Available URLs

    URL Description
    POST /v2/viewingSessions/{viewingSessionId}/searchTasks Starts an asynchronous full-text search against a viewing session's source document.
    GET /v2/searchTasks/{processId}/results Gets available search results.
    DELETE /v2/searchTasks/{processId} Cancels a search task.

    POST /v2/viewingSessions/{viewingSessionId}/searchTasks

    Starts an asynchronous full-text search against a viewing session's source document.

    After a successful POST to create the search task, we immediately begin a background process to start populating search results for you to GET. You do not need to wait for the full set of results to be available; you can start retrieving partial search results as soon as they are available. Once the full text of the document has been searched and no more results will be added, the search task state will change from "processing" to "complete".


    Request Headers

    Name Description
    Content-Type Must be application/json

    Request Body

    • input
      • searchTerms[] (Array of Objects) Required and must contain at least one item. Each item must be an object which conforms to one of the following:
        • Simple (finds all occurrences of a single regex pattern):
          • type: "simple" (String) Required. Must be set to "simple" to indicate this is a simple term object.
          • pattern (String) Required. Regular expression to search for, using a JavaScript-flavored regular expression string.
          • caseSensitive (Boolean) Determines whether we consider case when matching this term. Default is false.
          • unicodeEnabled (Boolean) Enables the use of Unicode property escapes when matching this term. Default is false.
          • contextPadding (Integer) Maximum number of characters to include both before and after the search result in the returned context string. For example, a value of 25 would allow up to 25 preceding and 25 following characters of content. Default is 25.
          • termId (String) Optional id of your choosing which, if provided, will be included as a termId property on each search result produced by this term. When used, we do not enforce uniqueness; it is your responsibility to use a unique termId for each term.
        • Proximity (finds all occurrences of multiple regex patterns which are near each other and on the same page):
          • type: "proximity" (String) Required. Must be set to "proximity" to indicate this is a proximity term object.
          • subTerms[] (Array of Objects) Required and must contain at least two items. Each item may contain:
          • distance (Integer) Required. Maximum number of words allowed between any two consecutive sub-terms.
          • contextPadding (Integer) Maximum number of characters to include both before and after the search result in the returned context string. For example, a value of 25 would allow up to 25 preceding and 25 following characters of content. Default is 25.
          • termId (String) Optional id of your choosing which, if provided, will be included as a termId property on each search result produced by this term. When used, we do not enforce uniqueness; it is your responsibility to use a unique termId for each term.
    • minSecondsAvailable (Integer) The minimum number of seconds this search task will remain available. The actual lifetime may be longer.

    Successful Response

    Response Body

    JSON with metadata about the created search task.

    • input (Object) Input we accepted to create the search task.
    • processId (String) Unique id for this search task.
    • affinityToken (String) Affinity token for this search task. Present when clustering is enabled.
    • state (String) State of getting search results.
      • "processing" - The search is still being executed. Additional results may become available.
      • "complete" - The search is complete. No additional results will become available.
      • "error" - There was a problem performing the search. No additional results will become available.
    • percentComplete (Integer) Percentage of the document text which has been searched (from 0 to 100).
    • expirationDateTime (String) Currently planned date and time when the search task resource will expire and no longer be available for use. Format is RFC 3339 Internet Date/Time profile of ISO 8601, e.g. "2016-11-05T08:15:30.494Z".

    Error Responses

    Status Code JSON errorCode Description
    404 - No viewing session with the provided {viewingSessionId} could be found.
    480 "DocumentNotProvidedYet" The viewing session does not yet have a source document attached.
    480 "MissingInput" A required input value was not provided. See errorDetails in the response body.
    480 "InvalidInput" An invalid input value was used. See errorDetails in the response body.
    480 "MissingInputForSimpleTerm" An invalid input value was used in a "simple" term object. See errorDetails in the response body.
    480 "InvalidInputForSimpleTerm" An invalid input value was used in a "simple" term object. See errorDetails in the response body.
    480 "MissingInputForProximityTerm" An invalid input value was used in a "proximity" term object. See errorDetails in the response body.
    480 "InvalidInputForProximityTerm" An invalid input value was used in a "proximity" term object. See errorDetails in the response body.
    480 "FeatureDisabled" The viewing session was created with "serverSideSearch" disabled.
    480 "ResourceNotUsable" The underlying search resources are not usable for this viewing session.
    580 "InternalError" The server encountered an internal error when handling the request.



    This POST begins a search task which finds all instances of the word "quick":

    POST pas_base_url/v2/viewingSessions/XYZ.../searchTasks
    Content-Type: application/json
      "input": {
        "searchTerms": [{
          "type": "simple",
          "pattern": "quick"

    NOTE: See the Base URL for PAS topic for more information.


    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
      "input": {
        "searchTerms": [{
          "type": "simple",
          "pattern": "quick",
          "caseSensitive": false,
          "unicodeEnabled": false,
          "contextPadding": 25
      "processId": "pR5X6nPDgMwat6cxlmn0Q3",
      "state": "processing",
      "percentComplete": 0,
      "expirationDateTime": "2016-12-17T20:38:39.796Z"

    Additional Examples

    Start a case-sensitive search for an exact phrase

    This POST begins a case-sensitive search for the exact phrase "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.". Notice that we had to escape the period character because it is a special regex character (\.), and because this is a JSON string value, the backslash itself must also be escaped ("\\."):

    POST pas_base_url/v2/viewingSessions/XYZ.../searchTasks
    Content-Type: application/json
      "input": {
        "searchTerms": [{
          "type": "simple",
          "pattern": "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog\\.",
          "caseSensitive": true

    NOTE: See the Base URL for PAS topic for more information.

    Start a search for every instance of the word "quick" or "brown" or "fox"

    This POST begins a search for the words "quick" or "brown" or "fox", locating all instances of each of these words:

    POST pas_base_url/v2/viewingSessions/XYZ.../searchTasks
    Content-Type: application/json
      "input": {
        "searchTerms": [{
          "type": "simple",
          "pattern": "quick"
        }, {
          "type": "simple",
          "pattern": "fox"
        }, {
          "type": "simple",
          "pattern": "dog"

    NOTE: See the Base URL for PAS topic for more information.

    Start a search for "quick" and "fox" and "dog" where there are no more than 5 words between any two consecutive occurrences of them

    POST pas_base_url/v2/viewingSessions/XYZ.../searchTasks
    Content-Type: application/json
      "input": {
        "searchTerms": [{
          "type": "proximity",
          "subTerms": [{
            "pattern": "quick"
          }, {
            "pattern": "fox"
          }, {
            "pattern": "dog"
          "distance": 5

    NOTE: See the Base URL for PAS topic for more information.

    Start a case-sensitive search for "John Doe" within 30 words of what looks like a Social Security Number

    POST pas_base_url/v2/viewingSessions/XYZ.../searchTasks
    Content-Type: application/json
      "input": {
        "searchTerms": [{
          "type": "proximity",
          "subTerms": [{
            "pattern": "John Doe",
            "caseSensitive": true
          }, {
            "pattern": "\\d{3}-\\d{2}-\\d{4}"
          "distance": 30

    NOTE: See the Base URL for PAS topic for more information.

    GET /v2/searchTasks/{processId}/results?limit={limit}&continueToken={continueToken}

    Gets a block of newly-available search results up to a limit.

    This URL is designed to give you the results in chunks as they become available. Each GET request will return the currently-known results up to a limit (default is 100). If a response contains a continueToken, it indicates that additional results may be available and that you should issue another GET request using that continueToken as a query string parameter to skip the results you have already received. As long as a response contains a continueToken, use it to issue a subsequent GET for more results. When you encounter a response which does not have a continueToken, you have received all of the results and no more GET requests are necessary.

    In order to optimize the number of network requests you make, any response which contains a continueToken will also contain a continueAfter value with a recommended number of milliseconds you should wait before sending the next GET request.


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Description
    {processId} The processId which identifies the search task.
    {limit} The maximum number of results to return for this HTTP request. Must be an integer greater than 0. Default is 100.
    {continueToken} Used to continue getting results from the point where a previous GET request left off.

    Request Headers

    Name Description
    Accusoft-Affinity-Token The affinityToken of the search task. Required when server clustering is enabled.

    Successful Response

    Response Body

    JSON with any available search results.

    • results (Array of Objects) Always present. Array of newly-available search results. If no new results are available, this array will be empty.
      • id (Integer) Unique number assigned to this search result.
      • pageIndex (Integer) Zero-indexed page number where this search result occurs in the document.
      • text (String) Text which was matched.
      • context (String) Contextual excerpt, including the matched text itself. The amount of leading and trailing characters to include in this value is controlled by input.contextPadding in the initial POST to create the search task.
      • boundingRectangle (Object) Bounding rectangle dimensions of the matched text on the page where it occurs.
        • x (Number) Distance from the left edge of the page to the left edge of the search result bounding box.
        • y (Number) Distance from the top edge of the page to the top edge of the search result bounding box.
        • width (Number) Width of the search result bounding box.
        • height (Number) Height of the search result bounding box.
      • lineRectangles (Array of Objects) Array of rectangles for each line of the matched text on the page where it occurs. If the match is on one line, the result is a single array item with a rectangle equal to boundingRectangle. If the match is on multiple lines, all rectangles in the array will be within the bounds of the boundingRectangle.
        • x (Number) Distance from the left edge of the page to the left edge of the search result line rectangle.
        • y (Number) Distance from the top edge of the page to the top edge of the search result line rectangle.
        • width (Number) Width of the search result line rectangle.
        • height (Number) Height of the search result line rectangle.
      • pageData (Object) Information about the dimensions of the page where this search result occurs.
        • width (Number) Width of the page.
        • height (Number) Height of the page.
      • searchTerm (Object) Search term which produced this result. The value will correspond to one of the items passed in to input.searchTerms in the initial POST to create the search task.
        • When type is "simple":
          • type (String) Always present with a value of "simple".
          • pattern (String) Always present. Regular expression which produced the result.
          • caseSensitive (Boolean) Always present. Indicates whether or not case was considered for this result.
          • unicodeEnabled (Boolean) Always present. Indicates whether or not the use of Unicode property escapes was enabled for this term.
          • contextPadding (Integer) Always present. Amount of context padding requested for this term in the initial POST.
          • termId (String) When provided in the initial POST, termId of the term which produced this result.
        • When type is "proximity":
          • type (String) Always present with a value of "proximity".
          • subTerms[] (Array of Objects) Always present. The sub-terms which contributed to this result. Each item will contain:
            • pattern (String) Always present. Regular expression for this particular sub-term.
            • caseSensitive (Boolean) Always present. Indicates whether or not case was considered when matching this particular sub-term in the result.
            • unicodeEnabled (Boolean) Always present. Indicates whether or not the use of Unicode property escapes was enabled for this term.
          • distance (Integer) Always present. Maximum number of words allowed between any two consecutive sub-terms.
          • contextPadding (Integer) Always present. Amount of context padding requested for this term in the initial POST.
          • termId (String) When provided in the initial POST, termId of the term which produced this result.
      • startIndex (Integer) JavaScript string index into the full-page text string where the matched text begins.
      • startIndexInContext (Integer) JavaScript string index into the returned context string where the matched text begins.
    • pagesWithoutText (Array of Integers) Always present. Currently known pages in the document which do not contain any text content at all. Values are zero-indexed page numbers. If the search task is still processing (a continueToken is present in the response), the data should be considered partial. Note that, unlike results, this value is cumulative (we always deliver the entire set of pages we know to not contain text data).
    • continueToken (String) When present, indicates that more search results may be available. An additional GET request should be made for more results using this value as the continueToken query string parameter. When not present, indicates that the search is complete and no further results will be available.
    • continueAfter (Number) Recommended milliseconds to delay before issuing the next GET request for more results.

    Error Responses

    Status Code JSON errorCode Description
    404 - No search task with the provided {processId} could be found.
    480 "MissingInput" A required input value was not provided. See errorDetails in the response body.
    480 "InvalidInput" An invalid input value was used. See errorDetails in the response body.
    480 "ResourceNotUsable" Can occur when the search task is in a state of "error".
    580 "InternalError" The server encountered an internal error when handling the request.


    Say you have a search task which was created to find the regex "manag[a-z]*" in a particular whitepaper. Here is an example sequence of requests and responses illustrating how you would acquire the full set of results for the search task (for brevity, the total number of search results in this example is small).

    You would start with an initial GET:

    GET pas_base_url/v2/searchTasks/pR5X6nPDgMwat6cxlmn0Q3/results
    Accusoft-Affinity-Token: ejN9/kXEYOuken4Pb9ic9hqJK45XIad9LQNgCgQ+BkM=

    NOTE: See the Base URL for PAS topic for more information.

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
      "results": [
          "id": 0,
          "pageIndex": 0,
          "text": "Management",
          "context": "Self-Hosted Content Management Best Practices",
          "boundingRectangle": { "x": 24.20, "y": 13.74, "width": 234.20, "height": 26.10 },
          "lineRectangles": [{ "x": 24.20, "y": 13.74, "width": 234.20, "height": 26.10 }],
          "pageData": { "width": 612, "height": 792 },
          "searchTerm": {
            "type": "simple",
            "pattern": "manag[a-z]*",
            "caseSensitive": false,
            "contextPadding": 25
          "startIndex": 19,
          "startIndexInContext": 19
          "id": 1,
          "pageIndex": 0,
          "text": "management",
          "context": "ue of enterprise content management software should go way b",
          "boundingRectangle": { "x": 156.07, "y": 352.19, "width": 105.00, "height": 13.41 },
          "lineRectangles": [{ "x": 156.07, "y": 352.19, "width": 105.00, "height": 13.41 }],
          "pageData": { "width": 612, "height": 792 },
          "searchTerm": {
            "type": "simple",
            "pattern": "manag[a-z]*",
            "caseSensitive": false,
            "contextPadding": 25
          "startIndex": 527,
          "startIndexInContext": 25
      "pagesWithoutText": [],
      "continueToken": "Cx07GHlkmi32gxAQhv49WZ",
      "continueAfter": 500

    The initial response has given us two results for the first page of the document (page index 0) and a continueToken which we should use to get more results after waiting 500 milliseconds.

    So, half a second later, we issue a follow-up request with the continueToken passed in as a query string parameter (so we skip over the results we already have):

    GET pas_base_url/v2/searchTasks/pR5X6nPDgMwat6cxlmn0Q3/results?continueToken=Cx07GHlkmi32gxAQhv49WZ
    Accusoft-Affinity-Token: ejN9/kXEYOuken4Pb9ic9hqJK45XIad9LQNgCgQ+BkM=

    NOTE: See the Base URL for PAS topic for more information.

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
      "results": [
          "id": 2,
          "pageIndex": 1,
          "text": "management",
          "context": "Self-Hosted content management software helps eliminate",
          "boundingRectangle": { "x": 310.21, "y": 562.14, "width": 254.03, "height": 26.10 },
          "lineRectangles": [{ "x": 310.21, "y": 562.14, "width": 254.03, "height": 26.10 }],
          "pageData": { "width": 612, "height": 792 },
          "searchTerm": {
            "type": "simple",
            "pattern": "manag[a-z]*",
            "caseSensitive": false,
            "contextPadding": 25
          "startIndex": 652,
          "startIndexInContext": 19
      "pagesWithoutText": [2,3],
      "continueToken": "B4uGe7m0ZtxR3lkqA07Nmj",
      "continueAfter": 500

    This time we get back a new result as well as some new information about pagesWithoutText: we now know that at least page indices 2 and 3 (zero-indexed page numbers) have no text at all.

    The presence of a new continueToken tells us there may be more results, so we submit another request with the new continueToken:

    GET pas_base_url/v2/searchTasks/pR5X6nPDgMwat6cxlmn0Q3/results?continueToken=B4uGe7m0ZtxR3lkqA07Nmj
    Accusoft-Affinity-Token: ejN9/kXEYOuken4Pb9ic9hqJK45XIad9LQNgCgQ+BkM=

    NOTE: See the Base URL for PAS topic for more information.

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
      "results": [
          "id": 3,
          "pageIndex": 5,
          "text": "management",
          "context": "upply chains to contract management, or HR processes to gove",
          "boundingRectangle": { "x": 67.00, "y": 142.53, "width": 254.03, "height": 26.10 },
          "lineRectangles": [{ "x": 67.00, "y": 142.53, "width": 254.03, "height": 26.10 }],
          "pageData": { "width": 612, "height": 792 },
          "searchTerm": {
            "type": "simple",
            "pattern": "manag[a-z]*",
            "caseSensitive": false,
            "contextPadding": 25
          "startIndex": 113,
          "startIndexInContext": 25
      "pagesWithoutText": [2,3,4]

    This time we get a new result for page index 5, and we now know that page indices 2, 3, and 4 all contain no text at all (apparently this was not much of a whitepaper!). The lack of a continueToken tells us we have received all of the results, so there are no more GET requests to make.

    DELETE /v2/searchTasks/{processId}

    Cancels a search task. Further requests using this processId will return errors.


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Description
    {processId} The processId which identifies the search task.

    Request Headers

    Name Description
    Accusoft-Affinity-Token the affinityToken of the search task. Required when server clustering is enabled.

    Successful Response

    HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

    Error Responses

    Status Code JSON errorCode Description
    404 - No search task with the provided {processId} could be found.
    400 "MissingInput" Can occur when clustering is enabled and an Accusoft-Affinity-Token was not provided.
    580 "InternalError" The server encountered an internal error when handling the request.