PrizmDoc® Viewer v13.27 Release - Updated
PrizmDoc Viewer / API Reference / PrizmDoc Server REST API / Application Development / Search Contexts
In This Topic
    Search Contexts
    In This Topic


    The search context and search task REST APIs allow your application to perform server-side searching and text retrieval of a document.

    A search context contains a collection of records of full-page text data, one record per page.

    Available URLs

    URL Description
    POST /v2/searchContexts Creates a new search context.
    GET /v2/searchContexts/{contextId} Gets information about a search context.
    DELETE /v2/searchContexts/{contextId} Deletes a search context.
    PUT /v2/searchContexts/{contextId}/records Uploads previously extracted text records to a context, when the context uses input.source of "upload".
    POST /v2/searchContexts/{contextId}/completed Marks all previously extracted text records as uploaded, when the context uses input.source of "upload".
    GET /v2/searchContexts/{contextId}/records Gets full-page text data (records) for a specified set of pages.

    POST /v2/searchContexts

    Creates a search context which will eventually hold a set of full-page text records for a source document.

    After a successful POST to create the search context, we immediately begin a background process to extract the text records using a work file you specified in the POST (via input.fileId). As we extract pages of text, new records will become available for you to GET. The search context state will change from "processing" to "complete" when there are no more records to extract.


    Request Headers

    Name Description
    Content-Type Must be application/json
    Accusoft-Affinity-Token The affinityToken of the work file specified by input.fileId. Required when server clustering is enabled and input.source is "workFile".

    Request Body

    • input
      • documentIdentifier (String) Required. Your own unique identifier for the source document. It is crucial that you use a unique value for each unique document, otherwise, the returned text for a document will not be correct.
      • source (String) Required. The following values are allowed:
        • "workFile" - Indicates that the server should use an existing work file and extract the text from it.
        • "upload"- Indicates that the user would like to upload previously extracted text to the server to be used for search.
      • fileId (String) Required with source: "workfile". The id of the work file to extract text records from.
      • password (String) Password to open the source document, when using a source of "workFile".
    • minSecondsAvailable (Integer) The minimum number of seconds this search context will remain available. The actual lifetime may be longer. The default lifetime is defined by the processIds.lifetime central configuration parameter.

    Successful Response

    Response Body

    JSON with metadata about the created search context. You can check for changes to this metadata with additional GET requests.

    • input (Object) Input we accepted to create the search context.
    • contextId (String) Unique id for this search context.
    • affinityToken (String) Affinity token for this search context. Present when clustering is enabled.
    • state (String) State of acquiring text records for the given input.documentIdentifier.
      • "processing" - The server is acquiring text records. No further actions are needed.
      • "awaitingInput" - The server is waiting for text to be uploaded by client. The client should take action and provide all required text records. This state only occurs when the client created a searchContext using input.source: "upload". Note that based on the provided documentIdentifier, the server may skip this state and go directly to "processing" or "complete" if it determines that it already has the required data.
      • "complete" - All text records have been acquired.
      • "error" - There was a problem acquiring text records.
    • percentComplete (Integer) Percentage of text records which have been acquired (from 0 to 100).
    • expirationDateTime (String) Currently planned date and time when the search context resource will expire and no longer be available for use. This time may be extended if we have need to keep using the data (for example, if there are search tasks executing against this context). Format is RFC 3339 Internet Date/Time profile of ISO 8601, e.g. "2016-11-05T08:15:30.494Z".
    • errorCode (String) Descriptive error code. Present when state is "error".
    • errorDetails (Object) Additional error details, if any. May be present when errorCode is present.

    Error Responses

    Status Code JSON errorCode Description
    400 "MissingInput" Can occur when clustering is enabled and an Accusoft-Affinity-Token request header was not provided.
    480 "MissingInput" A required input value was not provided. See errorDetails in the response body.
    480 "InvalidInput" An invalid input value was used. See errorDetails in the response body.
    580 "InternalError" The server encountered an internal error when handling the request.


    Creating a searchContext using a workfile:


    POST prizmdoc_server_base_url/v2/searchContexts
    Content-Type: application/json
    Accusoft-Affinity-Token: ejN9/kXEYOuken4Pb9ic9hqJK45XIad9LQNgCgQ+BkM=
      "input": {
        "documentIdentifier": "your-own-unique-identifier-for-the-source-document",
        "source": "workFile",
        "fileId": "ek5Zb123oYHSUEVx1bUrVQ"

    NOTE: See the Base URL for PrizmDoc Server topic for more information.


    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
      "input": {
        "documentIdentifier": "your-own-unique-identifier-for-the-source-document",
        "source": "workFile",
        "fileId": "ek5Zb123oYHSUEVx1bUrVQ"
      "contextId": "ElkNzWtrUJp4rXI5YnLUgw",
      "state": "processing",
      "percentComplete": 0,
      "expirationDateTime": "2016-12-17T20:38:39.796Z",
      "affinityToken": "ejN9/kXEYOuken4Pb9ic9hqJK45XIad9LQNgCgQ+BkM="

    Creating a searchContext using previously extracted text:

    Note that it is recommended that you use the Accusoft-Affinity-Hint header here when working in multi-server mode, so that multiple contexts created for the same document can be routed to the same server when possible.


    POST prizmdoc_server_base_url/v2/searchContexts
    Content-Type: application/json
    Accusoft-Affinity-Hint: "your-own-unique-identifier-for-the-source-document"
      "input": {
        "documentIdentifier": "your-own-unique-identifier-for-the-source-document",
        "source": "upload"
      "minSecondsAvailable": 1200

    NOTE: See the Base URL for PrizmDoc Server topic for more information.


    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
      "input": {
        "documentIdentifier": "your-own-unique-identifier-for-the-source-document",
        "source": "upload"
      "contextId": "ElkNzWtrUJp4rXI5YnLUgw",
      "state": "awaitingInput",
      "percentComplete": 0,
      "expirationDateTime": "2016-12-17T20:38:39.796Z",
      "affinityToken": "ejN9/kXEYOuken4Pb9ic9hqJK45XIad9LQNgCgQ+BkM="

    GET /v2/searchContexts/{contextId}

    Gets information about a search context.


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Description
    {contextId} The contextId which identifies the resource.

    Request Headers

    Name Description
    Accusoft-Affinity-Token The affinityToken of the search context. Required when server clustering is enabled.

    Successful Response

    Response Body

    JSON with current metadata about the search context.

    • input (Object) Input we accepted to create the search context.
    • contextId (String) Unique id for this search context.
    • affinityToken (String) Affinity token for this search context. Present when clustering is enabled.
    • state (String) State of acquiring text records for the given input.documentIdentifier.
      • "processing" - The server is acquiring text records. No further actions are needed.
      • "awaitingInput" - The server is waiting for text to be uploaded by client. The client should take action and provide all required text records. This state only occurs when the client created a searchContext using input.source: "upload". Note that based on the provided documentIdentifier, the server may skip this state and go directly to "processing" or "complete" if it determines that it already has the required data.
      • "complete" - All text records have been acquired.
      • "error" - There was a problem acquiring text records.
    • percentComplete (Integer) Percentage of text records which have been acquired (from 0 to 100).
    • expirationDateTime (String) Currently planned date and time when the search context resource will expire and no longer be available for use. This time may be extended if we have need to keep using the data (for example, if there are search tasks executing against this context). Format is RFC 3339 Internet Date/Time profile of ISO 8601, e.g. "2016-11-05T08:15:30-05:00".
    • errorCode (String) Descriptive error code. Present when state is "error".
    • errorDetails (Object) Additional error details, if any. May be present when errorCode is present.

    Error Responses

    Status Code JSON errorCode Description
    400 "MissingInput" Can occur when clustering is enabled and an Accusoft-Affinity-Token request header was not provided.
    580 "InternalError" The server encountered an internal error when handling the request.



    GET prizmdoc_server_base_url/v2/searchContexts/ElkNzWtrUJp4rXI5YnLUgw
    Accusoft-Affinity-Token: ejN9/kXEYOuken4Pb9ic9hqJK45XIad9LQNgCgQ+BkM=

    NOTE: See the Base URL for PrizmDoc Server topic for more information.

    Response when the state is still "processing"

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
      "input": {
        "documentIdentifier": "your-own-unique-identifier-for-the-source-document",
        "source": "workFile",
        "fileId": "ek5Zb123oYHSUEVx1bUrVQ"
      "contextId": "ElkNzWtrUJp4rXI5YnLUgw",
      "affinityToken": "ejN9/kXEYOuken4Pb9ic9hqJK45XIad9LQNgCgQ+BkM=",
      "state": "processing",
      "percentComplete": 47,
      "expirationDateTime": "2016-12-17T20:38:39.796Z"

    Response when the state is "complete"

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
      "input": {
        "documentIdentifier": "your-own-unique-identifier-for-the-source-document",
        "source": "workFile",
        "fileId": "ek5Zb123oYHSUEVx1bUrVQ"
      "contextId": "ElkNzWtrUJp4rXI5YnLUgw",
      "affinityToken": "ejN9/kXEYOuken4Pb9ic9hqJK45XIad9LQNgCgQ+BkM=",
      "state": "complete",
      "percentComplete": 100,
      "expirationDateTime": "2016-12-17T20:38:39.796Z"

    Response when the state is "error" because the work file could not be found

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
      "input": {
        "documentIdentifier": "your-own-unique-identifier-for-the-source-document",
        "source": "workFile",
        "fileId": "ek5Zb123oYHSUEVx1bUrVQ"
      "contextId": "ElkNzWtrUJp4rXI5YnLUgw",
      "affinityToken": "ejN9/kXEYOuken4Pb9ic9hqJK45XIad9LQNgCgQ+BkM=",
      "state": "error",
      "errorCode": "ResourceNotFound",
      "errorDetails": {
        "in": "searchContext",
        "at": "input.fileId"
      "expirationDateTime": "2016-12-17T20:38:39.796Z"

    Response when the source document required a password but no password was provided

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
      "input": {
        "documentIdentifier": "your-own-unique-identifier-for-the-source-document",
        "source": "workFile",
        "fileId": "ek5Zb123oYHSUEVx1bUrVQ"
      "contextId": "ElkNzWtrUJp4rXI5YnLUgw",
      "affinityToken": "ejN9/kXEYOuken4Pb9ic9hqJK45XIad9LQNgCgQ+BkM=",
      "state": "error",
      "errorCode": "InvalidPassword",
      "errorDetails": {
        "in": "searchContext",
        "at": "input.password"
      "expirationDateTime": "2016-12-17T20:38:39.796Z"

    Response when the source document required a password but the wrong password was provided

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
      "input": {
        "documentIdentifier": "your-own-unique-identifier-for-the-source-document",
        "source": "workFile",
        "fileId": "ek5Zb123oYHSUEVx1bUrVQ",
        "password": "wrong-password"
      "contextId": "ElkNzWtrUJp4rXI5YnLUgw",
      "affinityToken": "ejN9/kXEYOuken4Pb9ic9hqJK45XIad9LQNgCgQ+BkM=",
      "state": "error",
      "errorCode": "InvalidPassword",
      "errorDetails": {
        "in": "searchContext",
        "at": "input.password"
      "expirationDateTime": "2016-12-17T20:38:39.796Z"

    DELETE /v2/searchContexts/{contextId}

    Deletes a search context. Further requests using this contextId will return errors.


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Description
    {contextId} The contextId which identifies the resource.

    Request Headers

    Name Description
    Accusoft-Affinity-Token The affinityToken of the search context. Required when server clustering is enabled.

    Successful Response

    This request returns no body in the response when successful.

    Error Responses

    Status Code JSON errorCode Description
    404 "Not Found" No search context with the provided contextId could be found.
    400 "MissingInput" Can occur when clustering is enabled and an Accusoft-Affinity-Token request header was not provided.
    580 "InternalError" The server encountered an internal error when handling the request.



    DELETE prizmdoc_server_base_url/v2/searchContexts/ElkNzWtrUJp4rXI5YnLUgw
    Accusoft-Affinity-Token: ejN9/kXEYOuken4Pb9ic9hqJK45XIad9LQNgCgQ+BkM=

    NOTE: See the Base URL for PrizmDoc Server topic for more information.


    HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

    PUT /v2/searchContexts/{contextId}/records

    This URL is used to upload one or more previously extracted text records to a search context.

    NOTE: This is only necessary when creating a searchContext using input.source of "upload" and receive a state of "awaitingInput".


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Description
    {contextId} The contextId which identifies the resource.

    Request Headers

    Name Description
    Content-Type Must be application/json
    Accusoft-Affinity-Token The affinityToken of the search context. Required when server clustering is enabled.

    Request Body

    NOTE: Since this is previously extracted text being uploaded, the body of the request corresponds to the body of the response on GET /v2/searchContexts/{contextId}/records.

    • pages[] (Array of Objects) Array of full-page text record objects for the requested pages. Note that the order of the records is not guaranteed; you must use the number property of each returned item to know its page index. Items may contain:
      • number (Integer) Required. Page index (zero-indexed page number). The property is named simply number for backwards compatibility reasons.
      • text (String) Page text. Either text or errorCode is required.
      • errorCode (String) A value indicating there was a problem with the page text. Either text or errorCode is required.
      • width (Number) Required with text. Page width.
      • height (Number) Required with text. Page height.
      • rectangles[] (Array of Arrays) Required with text. Bounding boxes for individual glyphs on the page. Each item will contain four numbers:
        • [0] (Number) Distance from the left edge of the page to the left edge of the glyph bounding box.
        • [1] (Number) Distance from the top edge of the page to the top edge of the glyph bounding box.
        • [2] (Number) Width of the glyph bounding box.
        • [3] (Number) Height of the glyph bounding box.
      • markup[] (Array of Objects) Objects describing hyperlinks, if any. Each item may contain:
        • changeType (String) Value will always be "Add".
        • markType (String) Value will always be "DocumentHyperlink".
        • properties (Object) Properties of the hyperlink.
          • href (String) Destination URL.
          • rectangle (Object) Dimensions of the hyperlink bounding box on the page.
            • x (Number) Distance from the left edge of the page to the left edge of the hyperlink bounding box.
            • y (Number) Distance from the top edge of the page to the top edge of the hyperlink bounding box.
            • width (Number) Width of the hyperlink bounding box.
            • height (Number) Height of the hyperlink bounding box.
          • borderThickness (Number) Border thickness which should be applied.
          • borderHorizontalRadius (Number) Horizontal border radius which should be applied.
          • borderVerticalRadius (Number) Vertical border radius which should be applied.
          • borderOpacity (Integer) Border opacity which should be applied. Value will be from 0 to 255, where 0 represents fully transparent and 255 represents fully opaque.

    Successful Response

    This request returns no body in the response when successful.

    Error Responses

    Status Code JSON errorCode Description
    400 "MissingInput" Can occur when clustering is enabled and an Accusoft-Affinity-Token request header was not provided.
    480 "MissingInput" A required input value was not provided. See errorDetails in the response body.
    480 "InvalidInput" An invalid input value was used. See errorDetails in the response body.
    480 "ResourceNotUsable" The search context is in a state of "error", or has otherwise become unusable.
    480 "IncorrectUsage" The state of the search context is not correct. See errorDetails in the response body.
    580 "InternalError" The server encountered an internal error when handling the request.



    PUT prizmdoc_server_base_url/v2/searchContexts/ElkNzWtrUJp4rXI5YnLUgw/records
    Accusoft-Affinity-Token: ejN9/kXEYOuken4Pb9ic9hqJK45XIad9LQNgCgQ+BkM=
    Content-Type: application/json
      "pages": [{
        "number": 1,
        "text": "the text to be searched",
        "width": 147,
        "height": 349
        "rectangles": [
          [ 23.6, 767.75, 15.01, 23.08 ],
      }, ...]

    NOTE: See the Base URL for PrizmDoc Server topic for more information.


    When the data was successfully accepted
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    When the search context is not awaiting input
    HTTP/1.1 480 IncorrectUsage
    Content-Type: application/json
      "errorCode": "IncorrectUsage",
      "errorDetails": {
        "in": "searchContext",
        "at": "state",
        "actual": "processing",
        "expected": {
          "value": "awaitingInput"

    POST /v2/searchContexts/{contextId}/completed

    This URL is used to let the server know that all previously extracted records have been uploaded.

    NOTE: This is only necessary when creating a searchContext using input.source of "upload" and receive a state of "awaitingInput".

    The provided records should make up a set of contiguous page records (e.g. [1,2,3,4,5] and not [1,2,3,5,27]), and if any pages are missing from the set, the context will not be allowed to complete successfully.


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Description
    {contextId} The contextId which identifies the resource.

    Request Headers

    Name Description
    Accusoft-Affinity-Token The affinityToken of the search context. Required when server clustering is enabled.

    Request Body

    This request has no body.

    Successful Response

    This request returns no body in the response when successful.

    Error Responses

    Status Code JSON errorCode Description
    400 "MissingInput" Can occur when clustering is enabled and an Accusoft-Affinity-Token request header was not provided.
    480 "ResourceNotUsable" The search context is in a state of "error", or has otherwise become unusable.
    480 "IncorrectUsage" The state of the search context is not correct. See errorDetails in the response body.
    480 "MissingRecords" A non-contiguous set of pages was present at the time that this request was made.
    580 "InternalError" The server encountered an internal error when handling the request.



    POST prizmdoc_server_base_url/v2/searchContexts/ElkNzWtrUJp4rXI5YnLUgw/completed
    Accusoft-Affinity-Token: ejN9/kXEYOuken4Pb9ic9hqJK45XIad9LQNgCgQ+BkM=

    NOTE: See the Base URL for PrizmDoc Server topic for more information.


    When the context is successfully completed
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    When a non-contiguous range of pages is provided (e.g. [1, 2, 3, 5, 27])
    HTTP/1.1 480 MissingRecords
    Content-Type: application/json
      "errorCode": "MissingRecords"
    When the state of the context is "error"
    HTTP/1.1 480 ResourceNotUsable
    Content-Type: application/json
      "errorCode": "ResourceNotUsable"
    When the context is not awaiting input
    HTTP/1.1 480 IncorrectUsage
    Content-Type: application/json
      "errorCode": "IncorrectUsage",
      "errorDetails": {
        "in": "searchContext",
        "at": "state",
        "actual": "processing",
        "expected": {
          "enum": ["awaitingInput","complete"]

    GET /v2/searchContexts/{contextId}/records?pages={pages}

    Gets full-page text data (records) for a specified set of pages.


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Description
    {contextId} The contextId which identifies the resource.
    {pages} Required. A set of comma-delimited page indices (zero-indexed page numbers) and/or hyphenated page index ranges for which you want the full-page text data (records). See more below.

    The pages parameter accepts one or more zero-indexed page numbers (page indices). Between commas, you can specify individual pages (like 0), closed page ranges (like 0-3), and open-ended page ranges (like 3-, which means page index 3 through the end of the document).

    Here are some examples:

    Example Description
    pages=0 Get the text data for page index 0.
    pages=5 Get the text data for page index 5.
    pages=0-5 Get the text data for page indices 0-5.
    pages=3- Get the text data for page indices 3 through the end of the document.
    pages=0- Get the text data for all pages (page index 0 through the end of the document).
    pages=1- Get the text data for all but the first page (page index 1 through the end of the document).
    pages=0,2,5,9 Get the text data for page indices 0, 2, 5, and 9.
    pages=2,4-5,7- Get the text data for page indices 2, 4 through 5, and 7 through the end of the document.

    Request Headers

    Name Description
    Accusoft-Affinity-Token The affinityToken of the search context. Required when server clustering is enabled.

    Successful Response

    JSON containing full-page text records for the requested pages.

    • pages[] (Array of Objects) Always present. Array of full-page text record objects for the requested pages. Note that the order of the records is not guaranteed; you must use the number property of each returned item to know its page index. Items may contain:
      • number (Integer) Always present. Page index (zero-indexed page number). The property is named simply number for backwards compatibility reasons.
      • text (String) Page text.
      • errorCode (String) A descriptive page-level error code (such as "CouldNotGetPageData") if there was a problem getting data for the page.
      • width (Number) Page width.
      • height (Number) Page height.
      • rectangles[] (Array of Arrays) Bounding boxes for individual glyphs on the page. Each item will contain four numbers:
        • [0] (Number) Distance from the left edge of the page to the left edge of the glyph bounding box.
        • [1] (Number) Distance from the top edge of the page to the top edge of the glyph bounding box.
        • [2] (Number) Width of the glyph bounding box.
        • [3] (Number) Height of the glyph bounding box.
      • markup[] (Array of Objects) Objects describing hyperlinks, if any. Each item may contain:
        • changeType (String) Value will always be "Add".
        • markType (String) Value will always be "DocumentHyperlink".
        • properties (Object) Properties of the hyperlink.
          • href (String) Destination URL.
          • rectangle (Object) Dimensions of the hyperlink bounding box on the page.
            • x (Number) Distance from the left edge of the page to the left edge of the hyperlink bounding box.
            • y (Number) Distance from the top edge of the page to the top edge of the hyperlink bounding box.
            • width (Number) Width of the hyperlink bounding box.
            • height (Number) Height of the hyperlink bounding box.
          • borderThickness (Number) Border thickness which should be applied.
          • borderHorizontalRadius (Number) Horizontal border radius which should be applied.
          • borderVerticalRadius (Number) Vertical border radius which should be applied.
          • borderOpacity (Integer) Border opacity which should be applied. Value will be from 0 to 255, where 0 represents fully transparent and 255 represents fully opaque.
    • errorCode (String) Descriptive error code. Present if there was a general problem getting all of the requested data.
    • errorDetails (Object) Present if there are additional error details.

    Error Responses

    Status Code JSON errorCode Description
    404 No search context exists for the {contextId} given in the URL. It may have expired, or it may have never existed.
    400 "MissingInput" Can occur when clustering is enabled and an Accusoft-Affinity-Token request header was not provided.
    480 "MissingInput" A required input was missing. See the errorDetails for more information.
    480 "InvalidSyntax" Can occur when the pages query string parameter is set to a value we cannot understand.
    480 "ResourceNotUsable" Can occur when the search context is in a state of "error". You may be able to get more information from a GET /v2/searchContexts/{contextId}.
    580 "InternalError" The server encountered an internal error when handling the request.


    When all data is returned successfully

    Request records for pages 0 through 9:

    GET prizmdoc_server_base_url/v2/searchContexts/ElkNzWtrUJp4rXI5YnLUgw/records?pages=0-9
    Accusoft-Affinity-Token: ejN9/kXEYOuken4Pb9ic9hqJK45XIad9LQNgCgQ+BkM=

    NOTE: See the Base URL for PrizmDoc Server topic for more information.

    Successful response (where ... indicates that data has been omitted for brevity):

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
      "pages": [
          "number": 0,
          "text": "the page text",
          "width": 648.00,
          "height": 828.00,
          "rectangles": [
          "markup": [
              "changeType": "Add",
              "markType": "DocumentHyperlink",
              "properties": {
                "rectangle": {
                  "height": 14.71,
                  "width": 86.20,
                  "y": 73.50,
                  "x": 71.31
                "borderHorizontalRadius": 0.0,
                "borderVerticalRadius": 0.0,
                "borderThickness": 0.0,
                "href": "",
                "borderOpacity": 255

    When the data stream is interrupted

    Because this URL may return large amounts of data, we progressively stream data to the HTTP response. As such, it is possible that we encounter a data streaming error after we have sent HTTP 200. When this happens, we will close the JSON with a top-level errorCode of "DataStreamInterruption", like so:

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
      "pages": [...],
      "errorCode": "DataStreamInterruption"

    When out-of-range, non-existent pages are requested

    If you request a set of pages that include non-existent pages beyond the length of the document, we will include whatever actual pages we can, but we will also add a top-level errorCode of "RequestedPagesOutOfRange" with the actual documentPageCount within an errorDetails object, like so:

    GET prizmdoc_server_base_url/v2/searchContexts/ElkNzWtrUJp4rXI5YnLUgw/records?pages=0-9
    Content-Type: application/json
    Accusoft-Affinity-Token: ejN9/kXEYOuken4Pb9ic9hqJK45XIad9LQNgCgQ+BkM=

    NOTE: See the Base URL for PrizmDoc Server topic for more information.

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
      "pages": [...],
      "errorCode": "RequestedPagesOutOfRange",
      "errorDetails": {
        "documentPageCount": 3

    When data cannot be extracted from some pages

    The pages array will contain one item for each requested page that actually exists. If we are unable to obtain data for a particular page, we will include an item in the pages array that contains the page number and a page-specific errorCode of "CouldNotGetPageData", like so:

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
      "pages": [
          "number": 0,
          "text": "Once upon a time...",
          "width": 612.00,
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