PrizmDoc® Viewer v13.27 Release - Updated
PrizmDoc Viewer / Developer Guide / PrizmDoc Server / How To Examples / Convert Content with Content Conversion Service / Content Conversion Demo / How to Run the Demo in Docker
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    How to Run the Demo in Docker
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    This demo comes preinstalled with the prizmdoc-server Docker image. After you have created a server config file and configured your license (see Using Docker), you can run the demo using the corresponding command below.

    In Linux (bash):

    docker run --rm --env ACCEPT_EULA=YES --volume $(pwd)/config:/config --publish 18001:18001 accusoft/prizmdoc-server content-conversion-demo

    In Windows (PowerShell):

    docker run --rm --env ACCEPT_EULA=YES --volume $pwd/config:/config --publish 18001:18001 accusoft/prizmdoc-server content-conversion-demo

    Once the container is running and the services are started, you can access the demo at http://localhost:18001 in your browser.