PrizmDoc® Viewer v13.27 Release - Updated
PrizmDoc Viewer / API Reference / Viewer Control / Namespace: PCCViewer / Namespace: MouseTools
In This Topic
    Namespace: MouseTools
    In This Topic

    PCCViewer. MouseTools

    The PCCViewer.MouseTools object allows you to create and get named mouse tools. This object encapsulates a collection of named mouse tools that are available to all viewer instances (globally). A mouse tool can be added to this collection using the PCCViewer.MouseTools.createMouseTool method, and a mouse tool in this collection can be accessed using the PCCViewer.MouseTools.getMouseTool method.


    (static) createMouseTool(name, type) → {PCCViewer.MouseTool}

    Create a new named mouse tool of a specific type.

    • If the new name matches the name of an existing mouse tool of the same type, then all properties of the existing tool will be overwritten with the defaults. Subsequent calls to .getMouseTool(name) will return the tool with the new properties.
    • If the new name already exists, but the type does not match, and error will be thrown.


    // Create a new mouse tool with the name "MyLineAnnotationMouseTool"
    var myMouseTool = PCCViewer.MouseTools.createMouseTool("MyLineAnnotationMouseTool", "LineAnnotation");
    // Configure the mouse tool or the template mark of the mouse tool
    // set the ViewerControl to use the mouse tool


    Name Type Description
    name string

    The name of the new mouse tool. This value is case-insensitive for comparison against existing mouse tools of the same name.

    Note: The case you provide will be persisted in the name property of the object that is returned, so it is best to pick a consistent naming scheme.

    type string

    The type of the new mouse tool.



    If calling this function using an existing name when the type does not match the already existing one.



    The MouseTool object that was created.


    (static) getMouseTool(name) → {PCCViewer.MouseTool|undefined}

    Gets a named mouse tool.


    var mouseToolName = "FooMouseTool";
    // get the mouse tool
    var mouseTool = PCCViewer.MouseTools.getMouseTool(mouseToolName);
    // check that the named mouse tool actually exists
    if (mouseTool) {
        // do something with the MouseTool, you can do different things based on the type of the tool
        switch (mouseTool.getType()) {
            case PCCViewer.MouseTool.Type.LineAnnotation:


    Name Type Description
    name string

    The name of the MouseTool to get. This value is case-insensitive.


    The MouseTool object with the specified name, or undefined, if a MouseTool with the specified name does not exist.

    PCCViewer.MouseTool | undefined

    Documentation generated by JSDoc 3.6.10 on Sun Feb 25 2024 19:35:19 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)