PrizmDoc® Viewer v13.27 Release - Updated
PrizmDoc Viewer / API Reference / Viewer Control / Namespace: PCCViewer / Class: Event
In This Topic
    Class: Event
    In This Topic

    PCCViewer. Event

    new Event(target, type)

    Create an event object. This is the internal constructor used when the viewer emits any event. This object describes the common attributes of all events. Augmented, event-specific, values can be found in the descriptions of each event. See PCCViewer.EventType for specific events.


    Name Type Description
    target PCCViewer.ViewerControl

    The event target is the viewer where the event originated.

    type string

    The name of the event type.


    (readonly) target :PCCViewer.ViewerControl

    Contains the instance of the viewer that fired the event. See also PCCViewer.Event#getTarget.

    ECMA5 accessor property that is defined only in browsers supporting ECMA 5. This property is not available in the older browsers like IE8.


    (readonly) type :string

    Contains the type of event. See also PCCViewer.Event#getType.

    ECMA5 accessor property that is defined only in browsers supporting ECMA 5. This property is not available in the older browsers like IE8.


    • string


    getTarget() → {PCCViewer.ViewerControl}

    Gets the instance of the viewer that fired the event.


    var viewerObj;
    function pageCountReadyHandler (event) {
       console.log("page count ready event");
       if(event.getTarget() !== viewerObj){
           alert("The `pageCountReady` event did not originate from the expected instance of the viewer object");
    //subscribe to the pageCountReady event
    viewerObj = viewer.on(PCCViewer.EventType.PageCountReady, pageCountReadyHandler);



    getType() → {string}

    Gets the name of the event type. This will be the same value as the eventType argument to the PCCViewer.ViewerControl#on function.


    function pageCountReadyHandler (event) {
       console.log("page count ready event");
       if(event.getType() !== PCCViewer.EventType.PageCountReady){
           alert("The event type did not match");
    //subscribe to the pageCountReady event
    viewer.on(PCCViewer.EventType.PageCountReady, pageCountReadyHandler);


    a string containing event type.


    Type Definitions


    The function to call when an event occurs. When the event is triggered, all subscribed event handlers are called.


    // Our event handler declaration.
    // The handler will be called with one argument of type PCCViewer.Event.
    function pageCountReadyEventHandler(event) {
        var target = event.getTarget(),  // `getTarget` is defined on every event object
            type = event.getType();      // `getType` is defined on every event object
        // The PageCountReady event augments the event object with property `pageCount`
        var pageCount = event.pageCount;
    // Subscribe the event handler to an event.
    viewerControl.on("PageCountReady", pageCountReadyEventHandler);


    Name Type Description
    event PCCViewer.Event

    A PCCViewer.Event object that represents the event. The event object is often augmented with properties which provide event specific information.


    Documentation generated by JSDoc 3.6.10 on Sun Feb 25 2024 19:35:19 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)