PrizmDoc Viewer v13.18 Release - Updated September 24, 2021
API Reference / PrizmDoc Server REST API / Application Development / Work Files
Work Files


The work file REST API provides a temporary storage system to upload file input and download file output. Each work file has a unique fileId which can be used to pass that file as input to a process or viewing session or to download the raw bytes of the file.

Work files should not be used for archival storage. All work files are temporary and, by default, will be deleted 24 hours after creation.

Available URLs

URL Description
POST /PCCIS/V1/WorkFile when body is file bytes Creates a work file resource from file bytes (used to upload input files).
POST /PCCIS/V1/WorkFile when body is JSON Creates a "package" work file from a set of existing work files. Used to prepare a set of dependent files for viewing or processing (e.g. CAD with XREF).
GET /PCCIS/V1/WorkFile/{fileId} Gets the file bytes associated with a work file resource (used to download output files).
GET /PCCIS/V1/WorkFile/{fileId}/Info Gets metadata information about a work file resource.

POST /PCCIS/V1/WorkFile when body is file bytes

Creates a work file resource from file bytes (used to upload input files).


POST prizmdoc_server_base_url/PCCIS/V1/WorkFile
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<<file bytes>>
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "fileId": "Xe6zv3dH0kVSzLuaNhd32A",
    "fileExtension": "pdf",
    "affinityToken": "ejN9/kXEYOuken4Pb9ic9hqJK45XIad9LQNgCgQ+BkM="


Request Headers

Name Description
Content-Type We recommend you use the value application/octet-stream to explicitly indicate that you are uploading file bytes. If you do not provide a value, application/octet-stream is assumed by default.
Accusoft-Affinity-Token Used to ensure that this work file will be assigned to the same machine in the cluster as another existing resource (work file, process, or viewing session). If provided, the value must be the affinityToken of another existing resource. If not provided, an affinityToken will be randomly assigned to each work file created whenever there is more than one server in the cluster.

Request Parameters

POST prizmdoc_server_base_url/PCCIS/V1/WorkFile{?FileExtension,MinSecondsAvailable}
Name Type Description Example
FileExtension string File extension of the file being uploaded without any leading period. Only required when the file type cannot be automatically detected (e.g. csv, tsv, txt, eml). The FileExtension parameter may only accept alpha-numeric characters. Note that, if we are able to detect the file type automatically, the detected type will always be used and this value will be ignored. pdf
MinSecondsAvailable integer The minimum number of seconds this work file must remain available. The actual lifetime may be longer. 300

Request Body

The bytes of the file being uploaded.

Successful Response

JSON with metadata about the newly created work file.

Response Headers

Name Value
Content-Type application/json

Response Body

    "fileId": "Xe6zv3dH0kVSzLuaNhd32A",
    "fileExtension": "pdf",
    "affinityToken": "ejN9/kXEYOuken4Pb9ic9hqJK45XIad9LQNgCgQ+BkM="

Name Type Description
fileId string The unique id of the new work file resource, often used later as input to a viewing session or process.
fileExtension string The file extension assigned to this resource which indicates what type of file we understand it to be.
affinityToken string A value used to identify which machine in the cluster this work file resides on. Only present when there is more than one machine in the cluster. A work file is only accessible to another resource if that resource resides on the same machine in the cluster. You can ensure that other resources you create (work files, viewing sessions, and processes) are assigned to the same machine by passing this value in an Accusoft-Affinity-Token request header when submitting the POST to create the other resource.

Error Responses

Status Code JSON errorCode Description
400 - There was a problem with an input parameter:

  • FileExtension was required and not provided.

  • FileExtension was an invalid value.

  • MinSecondsAvailable was not a number.
405 - An HTTP method other than POST was used.
580 "UnrecognizedFileFormat" The file type of the uploaded bytes could not be automatically detected. You will need to manually specify a FileExtension.

POST /PCCIS/V1/WorkFile when body is JSON

Creates a "package" work file from a set of existing work files, defining one file in the set as the primary file for viewing and content conversion.

This special type of work file is particularly useful for CAD drawings which are made up of multiple files (such as dwg files which use other files via XREF).


POST prizmdoc_server_base_url/PCCIS/V1/WorkFile
Content-Type: application/json
Accusoft-Affinity-Token: ejN9/kXEYOuken4Pb9ic9hqJK45XIad9LQNgCgQ+BkM=

    "primaryPath": "master.dwg",
    "items": [
        { "fileId": "CVBuD7DbQYNoJDqByGierQ", "path": "master.dwg" },
        { "fileId": "5qTYa3gzN9gYUb5SzqUhqg", "path": "parts/a.dwg" },
        { "fileId": "o1bLJwFGxf9QGuTkyrOqig", "path": "parts/b.dwg" }
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "fileId": "nkG9fiAmj27X3MhqGdbsXA",
    "primaryPath": "master.dwg",
    "items": [
        { "fileId": "CVBuD7DbQYNoJDqByGierQ", "path": "master.dwg" },
        { "fileId": "5qTYa3gzN9gYUb5SzqUhqg", "path": "parts/a.dwg" },
        { "fileId": "o1bLJwFGxf9QGuTkyrOqig", "path": "parts/b.dwg" }
    "affinityToken": "ejN9/kXEYOuken4Pb9ic9hqJK45XIad9LQNgCgQ+BkM="


Request Headers

Name Description
Content-Type You must use the value application/json to indicate that you are assembling a new work file from a set of existing work files rather than simply uploading file bytes. If you forget to specify a Content-Type of application/json, we will assume you are attempting to upload file bytes.
Accusoft-Affinity-Token Whenever there is more than one machine in the cluster, you will need to ensure that all of the work files in the set reside on to the same machine. To do this, upload the first file in the set, get the affinityToken in the response, and then use that value in an Accusoft-Affinity-Token request header for every subsequent work file POST, including this final POST to assemble a work file for the entire set.

Request Parameters

POST prizmdoc_server_base_url/PCCIS/V1/WorkFile{?MinSecondsAvailable}
Name Type Description Example
MinSecondsAvailable integer The minimum number of seconds this work file must remain available. The actual lifetime may be longer. 300

Request Body

A JSON object which specifies:

  • which work files are in the set
  • what their local paths would be
  • which path should be considered the primary entry point for viewing or conversion

For example:

    "primaryPath": "master.dwg",
    "items": [
        { "fileId": "CVBuD7DbQYNoJDqByGierQ", "path": "master.dwg" },
        { "fileId": "5qTYa3gzN9gYUb5SzqUhqg", "path": "parts/a.dwg" },
        { "fileId": "o1bLJwFGxf9QGuTkyrOqig", "path": "parts/b.dwg" }

Name Type Description
primaryPath string Required. The primary entry point for viewing or conversion. This value must match the path value of one of the objects in the items array.
items array Required. The work files which are to be included in the set and what their local paths would be.
Name Type Description
fileId string Required. The fileId of a work file to be included in the set.
path string Required. A path value for this file in the set. Typically this is just the relative path of this file in relation to the primary file. Each item in the set must have a unique path value.

Successful Response

JSON with metadata about the new work file resource, the most important part being a new fileId which you can use to represent the entire set of files.

Response Headers

Name Value
Content-Type application/json

Response Body

    "fileId": "nkG9fiAmj27X3MhqGdbsXA",
    "primaryPath": "master.dwg",
    "items": [
        { "fileId": "CVBuD7DbQYNoJDqByGierQ", "path": "master.dwg" },
        { "fileId": "5qTYa3gzN9gYUb5SzqUhqg", "path": "parts/a.dwg" },
        { "fileId": "o1bLJwFGxf9QGuTkyrOqig", "path": "parts/b.dwg" }
    "affinityToken": "ejN9/kXEYOuken4Pb9ic9hqJK45XIad9LQNgCgQ+BkM="

Name Type Description
fileId string The unique id of this new "package" work file, intended to be used as input to a viewing session or process which needs to consume the entire package as a single document.
primaryPath string The primary entry point which will be used for viewing or conversion.
items array The work files which are included in the set and their assigned paths.
affinityToken string A value used to identify which machine in the cluster this work file resides on. Only present when there is more than one machine in the cluster. A work file is only accessible to another resource if that resource resides on the same machine in the cluster. You can ensure that other resources you create (work files, viewing sessions, and processes) are assigned to the same machine by passing this value in an Accusoft-Affinity-Token request header when submitting the POST to create the other resource.

Error Responses

Status Code JSON errorCode Description
480 "MissingInput" A required input was not provided. See the errorDetails in the response.
480 "InvalidInput" One of the input values was invalid.

Possible causes:

  • MinSecondsAvailable was not a number.
  • primaryPath did not match the path of any of the items.

See the errorDetails in the response.

480 "ValueMustBeUnique" One or more of the path values in the items array was non-unique.
580 UnrecognizedFileFormat This will occur if you forget to specify a Content-Type of application/json when making your request. If no Content-Type is specified (or if any value other than application/json is specified), we will understand you to be making a request to upload file bytes rather than giving us JSON instructions to create a new work file from a set of existing work files. And, since we do not automatically detect JSON as a file format, this is the error which is returned. If you are trying to create a work file from a set of existing work files (as described in this section), make sure you set the request Content-Type header to application/json.

GET /PCCIS/V1/WorkFile/{fileId}

Gets the file bytes associated with a work file resource (used to download output files).


Get work file with default filename

GET prizmdoc_server_base_url/PCCIS/V1/WorkFile/Xe6zv3dH0kVSzLuaNhd32A
Accusoft-Affinity-Token: ejN9/kXEYOuken4Pb9ic9hqJK45XIad9LQNgCgQ+BkM=
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/pdf
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="file-Xe6zv3dH0kVSzLuaNhd32A.pdf"

<<file bytes>>

Get work file with non-ASCII character in the filename

GET prizmdoc_server_base_url/PCCIS/V1/WorkFile/Xe6zv3dH0kVSzLuaNhd32A?ContentDispositionFilename=GreekΑΒΓΔ
Accusoft-Affinity-Token: ejN9/kXEYOuken4Pb9ic9hqJK45XIad9LQNgCgQ+BkM=
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/pdf
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="file-Xe6zv3dH0kVSzLuaNhd32A.pdf"; filename*=UTF-8''Greek%CE%91%CE%92%CE%93%CE%94.pdf`

<<file bytes>>


Request Headers

Name Description
Accusoft-Affinity-Token If there is more than one machine in the cluster (an affinityToken was provided in the response to the initial POST request to create the work file), then this header must be set to the affinityToken of the work file you are trying to access.

Request Parameters

GET prizmdoc_server_base_url/PCCIS/V1/WorkFile/{fileId}{?ContentDispositionFilename}
Name Type Description Example
fileId string Required. The fileId of the work file whose file bytes you want to download. Xe6zv3dH0kVSzLuaNhd32A
ContentDispositionFilename string The filename as a URL-encoded string, without extension, to be used in the Content-Disposition response header (the file extension will be appended automatically). The default is file-<fileId>. GreekΑΒΓΔ

Successful Response

The raw bytes of the file.

Response Headers

Name Description Example
Content-Type The MIME type of the file being downloaded. application/pdf
Content-Disposition Specifies 'attachment' disposition, RFC-2183 compatible filename parameter and, if ContentDispositionFilename was specified in the request, RFC-8187 compatible filename* parameter, allowing the use of non-ASCII filenames. attachment; filename="Greek____.pdf"; filename*=UTF-8''Greek%CE%91%CE%92%CE%93%CE%94.pdf

Response Body

The raw bytes of the file.

Error Responses

Status Code JSON errorCode Description
400 "InvalidInput" One of the input values was invalid. Possible causes:

  • Accusoft-Affinity-Token was invalid.

See the errorDetails in the response.

480 "DataNotAvailable" No file bytes exist for download. This can occur if you attempt to download the file bytes for a ["package" work file](#post-json) which merely groups a set of related work files under a single fileId.
404 - No work file existed for the given fileId.
405 - An HTTP method other than GET was used.

GET /PCCIS/V1/WorkFile/{fileId}/Info

Gets metadata information about a work file resource, the same information returned in the original POST request which created the work file.


GET prizmdoc_server_base_url/PCCIS/V1/WorkFile/Xe6zv3dH0kVSzLuaNhd32A/Info
Accusoft-Affinity-Token: ejN9/kXEYOuken4Pb9ic9hqJK45XIad9LQNgCgQ+BkM=
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "fileId": "Xe6zv3dH0kVSzLuaNhd32A",
    "fileExtension": "pdf",
    "affinityToken": "ejN9/kXEYOuken4Pb9ic9hqJK45XIad9LQNgCgQ+BkM="


Request Headers

Name Description
Accusoft-Affinity-Token If there is more than one machine in the cluster (an affinityToken was provided in the response to the initial POST request to create the work file), then this header must be set to the affinityToken of the work file you are trying to access.

Request Parameters

GET prizmdoc_server_base_url/PCCIS/V1/WorkFile/{fileId}/Info
Name Type Description Example
fileId string Required. The fileId of the work file you need information about. Xe6zv3dH0kVSzLuaNhd32A

Successful Response

JSON with information about the work file.

Response Headers

Name Value
Content-Type application/json

Response Body

For simple work files
    "fileId": "Xe6zv3dH0kVSzLuaNhd32A",
    "fileExtension": "pdf",
    "affinityToken": "ejN9/kXEYOuken4Pb9ic9hqJK45XIad9LQNgCgQ+BkM="

Name Type Description
fileId string The unique id of this resource.
fileExtension string File extension assigned to this resource, indicating what type of file we understand it to be.
affinityToken string A value used to identify which machine in the cluster this work file resides on. Only present when there is more than one machine in the cluster.
For "package" work files
    "fileId": "nkG9fiAmj27X3MhqGdbsXA",
    "primaryPath": "master.dwg",
    "items": [
        { "fileId": "CVBuD7DbQYNoJDqByGierQ", "path": "master.dwg" },
        { "fileId": "5qTYa3gzN9gYUb5SzqUhqg", "path": "parts/a.dwg" },
        { "fileId": "o1bLJwFGxf9QGuTkyrOqig", "path": "parts/b.dwg" }
    "affinityToken": "ejN9/kXEYOuken4Pb9ic9hqJK45XIad9LQNgCgQ+BkM="

Name Type Description
fileId string The unique id of this resource.
primaryPath string The primary entry point which will be used for viewing or conversion.
items array The work files which are included in the set and their assigned paths.
affinityToken string A value used to identify which machine in the cluster this work file resides on. Only present when there is more than one machine in the cluster.

Error Responses

Status Code Description
404 No work file existed for the given fileId.
405 An HTTP method other than GET was used.