Viewing EML and MSG attachments using PrizmDoc Server.
This RESTful API returns a JSON List object Attachments containing the collection of Attachment objects. If the return object list length has a zero count and no errors detected, there are no attachments. The status property of the List object denotes whether the list is completed or not thus whether the request must be retried again. Each Attachment object in the list contains displayName and viewingSessionId property. The displayName can be used to label a href link on a web page and the link points to the viewingSessionId URL for the attachment. Please see the PrizmDoc Server samples for more details.
Http Method
Resource URL
ViewingSessionID |
The ID of the viewing session associated with the request. |
Request Body
Response Body
If successful, this method returns the following properties:
Property Name |
Value |
Description |
status |
String |
Specifies the current status of the attachments.
attachments |
List |
The list of attachments, if any. Each item in this list will be a new viewing session ID, which is used to view any of the listed attachments in the Viewer by passing in the viewing session ID provided in this list. |
Example |
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GET http://localhost:18681/PCCIS/V1/ViewingSession/uGcIsIsEGbLV2_V9yy4NzmK2HB-JuLOH--A9sZ16cla9txO0ZDBGfq1G4kKu0r_GyEps4wWCvDwn4dpnZAR76Uw/Attachments
Example Response |
Copy Code
HTTP 200 Content-Type: application/json { "attachments": [ { "displayName": "example-file.pdf", "viewingSessionId": "SC0fZEMYiiGdOPMKBqLY8P6EAnVLEqxeTHjUUYqqxgJJc3s3wsQ8Lw2qqvkD1uLKTpAlF1ce23EQ6BFpYb4E3LC9TsXxwHCgB-I1c5rPOt0" }, { "displayName": "second-example.doc", "viewingSessionId": "33qQovKTjc0UKbNgOI-5POEyCpNw5x-uEzGMB13iUVhnCa_UHSSnOpRBEzPKeD7Maxq2RQu2SOOwJjl4X4iU_65OQjx2EI5-7h-bXlYc6uA" } ], "status": "complete" } |