| Name | Description |
| AutoMargin | Gets and sets an indicator which determines whether the margin values and the current print position values should automatically be set to values inside the printer's display area. |
| Collate | Gets and sets an indicator which specifies whether collation should be used when printing multiple copies (if the printer supports this feature). |
| ColorMode | Gets and sets an indicator which determines whether a color printer prints output in color or monochrome. |
| Copies | Gets and sets the number of copies to be printed. |
| Dither | Gets and sets a value that specifies how dithering is to be done (if the printer supports this feature). |
| DriverName | Gets the printer driver name. |
| Duplex | Gets and sets the PrintDuplex option for how a page is printed on both sides (if the printer supports this feature). |
| DuplexAvailable | Gets an indicator of the level of duplex support. |
| FileName | Gets the filename that the print is saved to. |
| IsFilePrinter | Gets an indicator which determines if this printer object is actually a file printer. |
| MaxCopies | Gets the number of copies that the printer can print. |
| MaxDpi | Gets the maximum resolution available. |
| MediaType | Gets and sets the type of media being printed on (if the printer supports this feature). |
| Name | Gets the printer's name. |
| Orientation | Gets and sets whether documents are printed in portrait or landscape mode (if the printer supports this feature). |
| Paper | Gets and sets the type of paper being used for printing (if the printer supports this feature). |
| PaperBin | Gets and sets the paper bin that is to be used to feed the printer paper. |
| PaperBins | Gets a collection of paper bins that can be used to feed the printer paper. |
| PaperHeight | Gets the physical height of the paper set up for the printing device, in units determined by the PrintUnits property. |
| Papers | Gets a collection of papers that represent the different types of papers available to the user (if the printer supports this feature). |
| PaperWidth | Gets the physical width of the paper set up for the printing device, in units determined by the PrintUnits property. |
| PortName | Gets the name of the port through which a document is sent to a printer. |
| PrintHeight | Gets the printable area height of the paper set up for the printing device, in units determined by the PrintUnits property. |
| PrintQuality | Gets and sets a value indicating the printer resolution (if the printer supports this feature). |
| PrintResolution | Gets the print resolution in dots per inch - horizontal and vertical. |
| PrintUnits | Gets and sets the units that are used to describe measurements for printing. |
| PrintWidth | Gets the printable area width of the paper set up for the printing device, in units determined by the PrintUnits property. |
| RangeFrom | Gets and sets the value that was selected for the beginning of the print range via the print dialog. |
| RangeSelection | Gets the value of the print range radio button from the print dialog. |
| RangeTo | Gets and sets the value that was selected for the end of the print range via the print dialog. |
| RequestedDpi | Gets and sets the current DPI resolution. |
| SaveFileType | Gets the file type that the print is saved as. |
| SupportedDpis | The resolutions supported by the printer in dots per inch. |
| TrueType | Gets and sets a value indicating the printer’s TrueTypeOption enumeration option. |
| TwipsPerPixelX | Gets the number of twips per pixel for a printer measured horizontally. |
| TwipsPerPixelY | Gets the number of twips per pixel for a printer measured vertically. |
| UserDither | Gets and sets a value which specifies how dithering is to be done (if the printer supports this feature). |
| UserMediaType | Gets and sets the type of media being printed on (if the printer supports this feature). |
| UserPaper | Gets and sets the type of paper being used for printing (if the printer supports this feature). |
| Zoom | Gets or sets the percentage by which printed output is to be scaled up or down (if the printer supports this feature). |