Class | Description | |
CannotCreateCompatibleDeviceException | This exception is thrown if an error occurs when creating a compatible device. | |
CannotCreateOverlayException | This exception is thrown if an error occurs when creating the overlay. | |
CannotGetDefaultPrinterException | This exception is thrown if an error occurs when getting the default printer information from the system. | |
CannotGetErrorMessageException | This exception is thrown if PrintPRO is unable to get an error message. | |
CannotGetMetafileDCException | This exception is thrown if an error occurs when getting the metafile DC. | |
CannotGetPrinterPropertyException | This exception is thrown if the selected printer does not support getting values for this property. | |
CannotOpenPrinterException | This exception is thrown if an error occurs when opening the printer. | |
CannotSetPrinterPropertyException | This exception is thrown if the selected printer does not support setting values for this property. | |
CannotWriteToPrinterException | This exception is thrown if an error occurs when writing to the printer. | |
DocumentAlreadyStartedException | This exception is thrown if a new document is started when a document has already been started. | |
DocumentNotStartedException | This exception is thrown if the desired action cannot be performed because a document has not been started. | |
Draw | This class implements methods and properties for drawing. | |
EndDocumentFailedException | This exception is thrown if an error occurs when ending a print job. | |
EndPageFailedException | This exception is thrown if an error occurs when ending a page. | |
FileReadException | This exception is thrown if an error occurs when reading the file. | |
FileWriteException | This exception is thrown if an error occurs when writing the file. | |
GenericGdiException | This exception is thrown if a generic GDI error occurs. | |
GenericWin32Exception | This exception is thrown if a generic Win32 error occurs. | |
Icm | Ths class implements image color matching settings. | |
InternalErrorException | This exception is thrown if an internal error occurs. | |
InvalidAngleException | This exception is thrown if the specified angle is invalid. | |
InvalidBinIDException | This exception is thrown if the specified bin ID is invalid. | |
InvalidDib | This exception is thrown if the DIB is invalid. | |
InvalidDibHandleException | This exception is thrown if the DIB handle is invalid. | |
InvalidHandleException | This exception is thrown if the handle is invalid. | |
InvalidLicenseEditionException | This exception is thrown if the license edition is invalid. | |
InvalidLicenseException | This exception is thrown if a user attempts to access functionality that is not covered under the license in effect. | |
InvalidPageNumberException | This exception is thrown if an invalid page number was specified. | |
InvalidPaperIDException | This exception is thrown if the specified paper ID is invalid. | |
InvalidParameterException | This exception is thrown if an invalid parameter is specified. | |
InvalidPointerException | This exception is thrown if a pointer is invalid. | |
InvalidPrinterNumberException | This exception is thrown if an invalid printer number is specified. | |
InvalidPrintPreviewException | This exception is thrown if the print preview is invalid. | |
InvalidProfileException | This exception is thrown if a color profile associated with the ICM object is invalid. | |
InvalidRadiusException | This exception is thrown if the specified radius is invalid. | |
InvalidTemplateException | This exception is thrown if the template is invalid. | |
InvalidTiffSizeException | This exception is thrown if the TIFF size is invalid. | |
InvalidValueException | This exception is thrown if the value provided for the printer property is invalid. | |
InvalidWebCode | This exception is thrown if the web code is invalid. | |
InvalidWorkerObjectIDException | This exception is thrown if the worker object ID is invalid. | |
Licensing | This class implements methods for setting the license information for the toolkit. | |
NoDibException | This exception is thrown if an image is being printed but the DIB has not been set. | |
NoPrinterDCException | This exception is thrown if there is no printer DC. | |
NoPrinterSelectedException | This exception is thrown if no printer is selected. | |
NoPrintPreviewException | This exception is thrown if a print preview for the current page does not exist. | |
NotLicensedException | This exception is thrown if PrintPRO is not licensed to perform the desired operation. | |
OpenFileException | This exception is thrown if an error occurs when opening the file. | |
OutOfMemoryException | This exception is thrown if PrintPRO is unable to allocate memory for the requested operation. | |
Paper | This class implements methods and properties to define types of paper. | |
PaperBin | A class that implements a paper bin for a printer. | |
PaperBinCollection | This class implements a collection of paper bin objects. | |
PaperBinEnumerator | This class implements a paper bin enumerator. | |
PaperCollection | This class implements methods and properties for PaperBin objects. | |
PaperEnumerator | This class implements enumerating through paper collections. | |
PrintDialogFailedException | This exception is thrown if the print dialog failed. | |
Printer | This class implements available printers for printing. | |
PrinterCollection | This class implements a collection of available printers. | |
PrinterDriverFailureException | This exception is thrown if a printer driver failure occurs. | |
PrinterEnumerator | This class implements an enumerator that can be used to iterate through a collection of printers. | |
PrintingDisabledException | This exception is thrown if printing is disabled. | |
PrintJob | This class implements a normal print job. | |
PrintPreviewJob | This class represents a print preview job. | |
PrintPro | This class implements the main functionality of the PrintPro component. A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc. | |
PrintProException | This class implements the base class for PrintPro Exceptions. | |
PrintQuality | This class is used to represent the print quality. | |
SetupDialogFailedException | This exception is thrown if the setup dialog failed. | |
StartDocumentFailedException | This exception is thrown if an error occurs when starting a document. | |
StartPageFailedException | This exception is thrown if an error occurs when starting a page. | |
StretchBltFailedException | This exception is thrown if the Windows StretchBlt function failed when printing a bitmap. | |
TiffTagItemNotFoundException | This exception is thrown if the TIFF tag item is not found. | |
TiffTagNotFoundException | This exception is thrown if the TIFF tag is not found. | |
UserPaper | This class implements methods and properties that are used in place of a paper class when a user paper type has been selected for a printer. | |
WorkerInitializationException | This exception is thrown if an error occurs when initializing the PrintPRO worker. |
Structure | Description | |
PrintingUnit | An object that represents units for printing. Made so that its use is similar to an Enumeration. |
Enumeration | Description | |
Alignment | Option values which determine the alignment when printing. | |
BackStyle | Option values which determine the available backstyles to be used for printed text. | |
DebugErrorLevel | Option values which determine the available error levels for debugging. | |
DrawMode | Option values which determine the available drawing modes for the PrintPro native drawing routines. | |
DrawStyle | Option values which determine the available drawing styles for the PrintPro native drawing routines. | |
EvaluationMode | Option values which determine licensing evaluation modes. | |
FillStyle | Option values which determine the pattern used to fill circles, boxes, round rectangles, pie-shapes and polygons created with the native PrintPro drawing routines. | |
IcmIntent | Option values which determine the possible color management methods, or intents. | |
IcmMethod | Option values which determine the ICM method to use. | |
IcmRenderIntent | Option values which determine the purpose of the color correction. | |
MediaType | Option values which determine the type of media being printed on (if the printer supports this feature). | |
Orientation | Option values which determine whether documents are printed in portrait or landscape mode (if the printer supports this feature). | |
PrintColorMode | Option values which determine whether a color printer prints output in color or monochrome. | |
PrintDitherType | Option values which determine how dithering is to be done (if the printer supports this feature). | |
PrintDuplex | Option values which determine whether a page is printed on both sides (if the printer supports this feature). | |
PrintPreviewScale | Option values which determine the scaling size of the print preview image. | |
PrintRangeAvailable | Option values which determine the available radio buttons in the print dialog. The All value is always enabled. Using All will only enable the All radio button. | |
PrintRangeSelection | Option values which determine the Print Range selected on the Print Dialog box. | |
RotationPivotMode | Option values which determine the pivot location for Draw.TextRotated. | |
SaveFileType | Option values which determine the type of file generated when printing to file. | |
TrueTypeOption | Option values which determine the printer’s TrueType option. |