Accusoft.PrintProSdk Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
ClassCannotCreateCompatibleDeviceException This exception is thrown if an error occurs when creating a compatible device.
ClassCannotCreateOverlayException This exception is thrown if an error occurs when creating the overlay.
ClassCannotGetDefaultPrinterException This exception is thrown if an error occurs when getting the default printer information from the system.
ClassCannotGetErrorMessageException This exception is thrown if PrintPRO is unable to get an error message.
ClassCannotGetMetafileDCException This exception is thrown if an error occurs when getting the metafile DC.
ClassCannotGetPrinterPropertyException This exception is thrown if the selected printer does not support getting values for this property.
ClassCannotOpenPrinterException This exception is thrown if an error occurs when opening the printer.
ClassCannotSetPrinterPropertyException This exception is thrown if the selected printer does not support setting values for this property.
ClassCannotWriteToPrinterException This exception is thrown if an error occurs when writing to the printer.
ClassDocumentAlreadyStartedException This exception is thrown if a new document is started when a document has already been started.
ClassDocumentNotStartedException This exception is thrown if the desired action cannot be performed because a document has not been started.
ClassDraw This class implements methods and properties for drawing.
ClassEndDocumentFailedException This exception is thrown if an error occurs when ending a print job.
ClassEndPageFailedException This exception is thrown if an error occurs when ending a page.
ClassFileReadException This exception is thrown if an error occurs when reading the file.
ClassFileWriteException This exception is thrown if an error occurs when writing the file.
ClassGenericGdiException This exception is thrown if a generic GDI error occurs.
ClassGenericWin32Exception This exception is thrown if a generic Win32 error occurs.
ClassIcm Ths class implements image color matching settings.
ClassInternalErrorException This exception is thrown if an internal error occurs.
ClassInvalidAngleException This exception is thrown if the specified angle is invalid.
ClassInvalidBinIDException This exception is thrown if the specified bin ID is invalid.
ClassInvalidDib This exception is thrown if the DIB is invalid.
ClassInvalidDibHandleException This exception is thrown if the DIB handle is invalid.
ClassInvalidHandleException This exception is thrown if the handle is invalid.
ClassInvalidLicenseEditionException This exception is thrown if the license edition is invalid.
ClassInvalidLicenseException This exception is thrown if a user attempts to access functionality that is not covered under the license in effect.
ClassInvalidPageNumberException This exception is thrown if an invalid page number was specified.
ClassInvalidPaperIDException This exception is thrown if the specified paper ID is invalid.
ClassInvalidParameterException This exception is thrown if an invalid parameter is specified.
ClassInvalidPointerException This exception is thrown if a pointer is invalid.
ClassInvalidPrinterNumberException This exception is thrown if an invalid printer number is specified.
ClassInvalidPrintPreviewException This exception is thrown if the print preview is invalid.
ClassInvalidProfileException This exception is thrown if a color profile associated with the ICM object is invalid.
ClassInvalidRadiusException This exception is thrown if the specified radius is invalid.
ClassInvalidTemplateException This exception is thrown if the template is invalid.
ClassInvalidTiffSizeException This exception is thrown if the TIFF size is invalid.
ClassInvalidValueException This exception is thrown if the value provided for the printer property is invalid.
ClassInvalidWebCode This exception is thrown if the web code is invalid.
ClassInvalidWorkerObjectIDException This exception is thrown if the worker object ID is invalid.
ClassLicensing This class implements methods for setting the license information for the toolkit.
ClassNoDibException This exception is thrown if an image is being printed but the DIB has not been set.
ClassNoPrinterDCException This exception is thrown if there is no printer DC.
ClassNoPrinterSelectedException This exception is thrown if no printer is selected.
ClassNoPrintPreviewException This exception is thrown if a print preview for the current page does not exist.
ClassNotLicensedException This exception is thrown if PrintPRO is not licensed to perform the desired operation.
ClassOpenFileException This exception is thrown if an error occurs when opening the file.
ClassOutOfMemoryException This exception is thrown if PrintPRO is unable to allocate memory for the requested operation.
ClassPaper This class implements methods and properties to define types of paper.
ClassPaperBin A class that implements a paper bin for a printer.
ClassPaperBinCollection This class implements a collection of paper bin objects.
ClassPaperBinEnumerator This class implements a paper bin enumerator.
ClassPaperCollection This class implements methods and properties for PaperBin objects.
ClassPaperEnumerator This class implements enumerating through paper collections.
ClassPrintDialogFailedException This exception is thrown if the print dialog failed.
ClassPrinter This class implements available printers for printing.
ClassPrinterCollection This class implements a collection of available printers.
ClassPrinterDriverFailureException This exception is thrown if a printer driver failure occurs.
ClassPrinterEnumerator This class implements an enumerator that can be used to iterate through a collection of printers.
ClassPrintingDisabledException This exception is thrown if printing is disabled.
ClassPrintJob This class implements a normal print job.
ClassPrintPreviewJob This class represents a print preview job.
ClassPrintPro This class implements the main functionality of the PrintPro component. A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc.
ClassPrintProException This class implements the base class for PrintPro Exceptions.
ClassPrintQuality This class is used to represent the print quality.
ClassSetupDialogFailedException This exception is thrown if the setup dialog failed.
ClassStartDocumentFailedException This exception is thrown if an error occurs when starting a document.
ClassStartPageFailedException This exception is thrown if an error occurs when starting a page.
ClassStretchBltFailedException This exception is thrown if the Windows StretchBlt function failed when printing a bitmap.
ClassTiffTagItemNotFoundException This exception is thrown if the TIFF tag item is not found.
ClassTiffTagNotFoundException This exception is thrown if the TIFF tag is not found.
ClassUserPaper This class implements methods and properties that are used in place of a paper class when a user paper type has been selected for a printer.
ClassWorkerInitializationException This exception is thrown if an error occurs when initializing the PrintPRO worker.
StructurePrintingUnit An object that represents units for printing. Made so that its use is similar to an Enumeration.
EnumerationAlignment Option values which determine the alignment when printing.
EnumerationBackStyle Option values which determine the available backstyles to be used for printed text.
EnumerationDebugErrorLevel Option values which determine the available error levels for debugging.
EnumerationDrawMode Option values which determine the available drawing modes for the PrintPro native drawing routines.
EnumerationDrawStyle Option values which determine the available drawing styles for the PrintPro native drawing routines.
EnumerationEvaluationMode Option values which determine licensing evaluation modes.
EnumerationFillStyle Option values which determine the pattern used to fill circles, boxes, round rectangles, pie-shapes and polygons created with the native PrintPro drawing routines.
EnumerationIcmIntent Option values which determine the possible color management methods, or intents.
EnumerationIcmMethod Option values which determine the ICM method to use.
EnumerationIcmRenderIntent Option values which determine the purpose of the color correction.
EnumerationMediaType Option values which determine the type of media being printed on (if the printer supports this feature).
EnumerationOrientation Option values which determine whether documents are printed in portrait or landscape mode (if the printer supports this feature).
EnumerationPrintColorMode Option values which determine whether a color printer prints output in color or monochrome.
EnumerationPrintDitherType Option values which determine how dithering is to be done (if the printer supports this feature).
EnumerationPrintDuplex Option values which determine whether a page is printed on both sides (if the printer supports this feature).
EnumerationPrintPreviewScale Option values which determine the scaling size of the print preview image.
EnumerationPrintRangeAvailable Option values which determine the available radio buttons in the print dialog. The All value is always enabled. Using All will only enable the All radio button.
EnumerationPrintRangeSelection Option values which determine the Print Range selected on the Print Dialog box.
EnumerationRotationPivotMode Option values which determine the pivot location for Draw.TextRotated.
EnumerationSaveFileType Option values which determine the type of file generated when printing to file.
EnumerationTrueTypeOption Option values which determine the printer’s TrueType option.
See Also


Accusoft.PrintPro8.Net Assembly



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