ImageDataInfo Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by ImageDataInfo.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorImageDataInfo ConstructorThe default ImageDataInfo constructor.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyBitsPerComponentThe bits per component of the image data, must be one of 1, 2, 4, or 8.  
Public PropertyCcittEncodedByteAlignGets and sets an indicator if the compressed data is a multiple of 8 bits wide (see TIFF tag 292, bit 2).  
Public PropertyCcittEndOfBlockGets and sets an indicator if EOFB (End Of Facsimile Block) is present (see TIFF tag 293).  
Public PropertyCcittKGets and sets the size of the encoded group.  
Public PropertyClipHeightGets and sets the height clipping bound for the image data.  
Public PropertyClipWidthGets and sets the width clipping bound for the image data.  
Public PropertyClipXGets and sets the X (horizontal) clipping bound for the image data.  
Public PropertyClipYGets and sets the Y (vertical) clipping bound for the image data.  
Public PropertyColorSpaceGets and sets the color space of the image data.  
Public PropertyDataFormatGets and sets the compression scheme used to compress the image data.  
Public PropertyDecodeMatrixGets and sets the decode matrix that will be applied to the image data as defined in the PDF standard reference.  
Public PropertyHeightGets and sets the pixel height of the image data.  
Public PropertyImageDataGets and sets the image data.  
Public PropertyJbig2GlobalsGets and sets JBIG2 global section data.  
Public PropertyJpegColorTransformGets and sets the color transform value for Jpeg image data.  
Public PropertyLzwColorsGets and sets LZW predictor colors value.  
Public PropertyLzwFlatePredictorGets and sets a predictor for LZW and Flate compressed image data.  
Public PropertyLzwPredictorBitsPerComponentGets and sets the LZW predictor bits per component.  
Public PropertyLzwPredictorSamplesPerRowGets and sets LZW predictor samples per row.  
Public PropertyLzwTiffGets and sets an indication of when to increase code length.  
Public PropertyMirrorHorizontalGets and sets an indicator if the image needs to be rotated horizontally before being displayed.  
Public PropertyMirrorVerticalGets and sets an indicator if the image needs to be rotated vertically before being displayed.  
Public PropertyOneIsBlackGets and sets an indicator to invert the color of Raw or Ccitt compressed image data.  
Public PropertyPaletteGets and sets the palette data.  
Public PropertyPaletteBitsPerComponentGets and sets the bits per component used by the palette.  
Public PropertyPaletteColorSpaceGets and sets the color space used by the palette.  
Public PropertyPaletteLengthGets and sets the length of the palette in entries (not bytes!).  
Public PropertyRawStrideGets and sets the width of the image in bytes for Raw compressed image data.  
Public PropertyRotateLeftGets and sets an indicator if the image needs to be rotated left 90 degrees before being displayed.  
Public PropertyWidthGets and sets the pixel width of the image data.  
Public PropertyXResolutionGets and sets horizontal resolution for the image data, in pixels per inch.  
Public PropertyYResolutionGets and sets the vertical resolution for the image data, in pixels per inch.  
See Also


ImageDataInfo Class
Accusoft.PdfXpressSdk Namespace



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