Accusoft.PdfXpressSdk Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
ClassAddTextOptions Represents the options available for formatting and specifying rendering of added text.
ClassAnnotationEventArgs This class is used to describe annotations for event handlers.
ClassAnnotationSubtypeMissingOrInvalidException This exception occurs when an annotation dictionary has an invalid (not a name object) or missing /Subtype key.
ClassBookmarkContext This class contains information about a bookmark, and facilitates adding new bookmarks.
ClassBookmarkNotFoundException Thrown when an attempt is made to remove a bookmark that does not exist in the PDF document.
ClassCancelInsertPagesEventArgs This class implements EventArgs for the CancelInsertPages Event.
ClassCompressOptions Options for specifying compression of the document.
ClassContinueEventArgs This class is used to interrupt and stop an operation.

Configures the conversion activities for a PDF document.

ClassDamagedFileException This exception occurs when a file is corrupt and needs to be repaired.
ClassDocument This class represents a PDF document functionality, values, and implementations.
ClassDocumentCollection This class implements a document collection to manage one or more Document.
ClassDocumentMetadata This class contains information about PDF document metadata.
ClassExtractedImageIndexInvalidException This exception occurs when the image index parameter of GetExtractedImage() is invalid.
ClassExtractImageOptions Specifies options for extracting images.
ClassExtractPagesOptions Represents the options which will be used to extract pages.
ClassFileRepairFailedException This exception occurs when a file is corrupt and can not be repaired.
ClassHyperlink Describes a PDF hyperlink.
ClassImageDataInfo This class describes image data outside of an image file.
ClassInsertPagesOptions Represents the options which will be used to insert pages.

Exception generated when trying to open a document whose security settings require a password, with the wrong password or no password.

ClassLicensing The class implements the licensing for PdfXpress.
ClassNoValidFontFoundException Exception generated when trying to add text to a document but no Type 1 fonts with Roman characters are found.
ClassOpenOptions This class implements options for opening an existing PDF file.
ClassOperationStoppedException Thrown when an operation has been stopped.
ClassPageArtifactOptions Represents the options which will be used to add PageArtifacts such as Watermarks.
ClassPageInfo This class implements the description of the existing PDF page.
ClassPageList This class represents a collection of PageRange objects. The InsertPagesOptions object uses this collection to describe the pages to be inserted from the source Document into the target Document.
ClassPageMissingGraphicsException This exception occurs when a page has no visible graphics.
ClassPageOptions This class implements options for creating a new PDF page.
ClassPageRange This class implements a series of contiguous (adjacent) pages.
ClassPageRenderedEventArgs This class implements the EventArgs for the PageRendered Event.
ClassPageRenderingEventArgs This class implements EventArgs for PageRending Event.
ClassPdfDocumentAttachment Defines a document-level attachment in a PDF file.
ClassPdfImage Specifies an image on a page.
ClassPdfXpress This class implements the main component features of PdfXpress.
ClassPdfXpressException This exception occurs in the main PDF library.
ClassPdfXpressLibraryException This exception occurs in the underlying PDF library.
ClassPdfXpressLicensingException This exception occurs when PDF Xpress is not licensed for the function called.
ClassPdfXpressNotIntializedException This exception occurs when PDF Xpress is used before being initialized.
ClassQuadrilateral This class implements and defines a bounding quadrilateral represented by four fixed points (one at each corner).
ClassQuadrilateralCollection This class implements a collection of Quadrilateral objects. Only the TextMatch class uses this class.
ClassRenderDcOptions This class encapsulates options used when drawing a PDF page to a Windows GDI+ device context.
ClassRenderEpsOptions This class implements options when rendering a PDF page to an Encapsulated PostScript.
ClassRenderOptions This class implements options when rendering a page to a bitmap, DIB, or image data.
ClassSaveOptions This class implements options when saving a PDF document to a PDF file.
ClassSecurity This class represents a PDF document's Security settings.
ClassTextBoxExceedsPageBoundsException Exception generated if the bounds of a user text box exceed the page bounds to which the text is added.
ClassTextFinder This class implements access to the text of a PDF page and returns selected text match information from user-defined criteria.
ClassTextFinderOptions This class implements the options which will be used to generate a text finder.
ClassTextMatch This class implements options for text matching.
ClassTextMatchOptions This class implements the options which will be used to generate a text match.
ClassTextOutOfBoundsException Exception generated when trying to add text to a document that exceeds the page bounds.
ClassXfdfOptions Configures the XFDF data binding activities for a PDF document.
DelegateContinueEventHandler Delegate for the Document.ContinueImport or Document.ContinueExport event.
DelegateDocument.CancelInsertPagesEventHandler Delegate for the Document.CancelInsertPages event.
DelegateExportedAnnotationEventHandler Delegate for the Document.ExportedAnnotation event.
DelegatePdfXpress.PageRenderedEventHandler Delegate for the PdfXpress.PageRendered event.
DelegatePdfXpress.PageRenderingEventHandler Delegate for the PdfXpress.PageRendering event.
EnumerationBookmarkStyles Describes bookmark style.
EnumerationColorAndGrayCompressionMode Specifies the compression mode to use for color and grayscale images.
EnumerationDestinationFit Describes the destination fit type.
EnumerationDeviceTechnology A Windows GDI+ device context technology category classification.
EnumerationEncryptMethod Specifies the Encryption Algorithm for the document.
EnumerationErrorLevel The error level of items to place into the debug log.
EnumerationEvaluationChoice Option values which determine the evaluation modes available for use.
EnumerationFontFamily Represents the font family to be used for added text.
EnumerationFontWeight Represents the weight of the added text.
EnumerationHorizontalAlignment Represents the HorizontalAlignment of PageArtifacts added to the document.
EnumerationImageColorSpace Option values which determine the color space of the image data (or the palette data if the image data color space is Palette).
EnumerationImageDataFormat Option values which determine the compression scheme used to compress the image data.
EnumerationImageFitSettings Option values which determine the fit of the image within the destination rectangle.
EnumerationJbig2CompressionLevel Specifies the level of compression to use for Jbig2.
EnumerationJpeg2000CompressionLevel Specifies the level of compression to use for Jpeg2000.
EnumerationJpegCompressionLevel Specifies the level of compression to use for Jpeg.
EnumerationPdfCoordinateSystem PDF coordinate systems.

Represents the type of PDF specification to be used.

EnumerationPermissionStatus Specifies the status of the Permission for the document.
EnumerationRenderMode Represents the render mode to be used for added text. This allows for specification of visibility.
EnumerationRotateAngle A clockwise rotation, expressed in degrees.
EnumerationTextDecoration Represents the text decoration to be used for added text.
EnumerationTypeOfArtifact Represents the type of PageArtifact added to the document, i.e. Text or Source.
EnumerationVerticalAlignment Represents the VerticalAlignment of PageArtifacts added to the document.
EnumerationWrapMode Represents the auto-wrap behavior of the added text.
EnumerationZOrder Represents the ZOrder of PageArtifacts added to the document.
See Also


Accusoft.PdfXpress7.Net Assembly



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