Prizm Content Connect
Class: Promise

Class: Promise

PCCViewer. Promise

The PCCViewer.Promise object is an implementation of the Promises/A+ standard.

"A promise represents the eventual result of an asynchronous operation. The primary way of interacting with a promise is through its then method, which registers callbacks to receive either a promise's eventual value or the reason why the promise cannot be fulfilled." -- Promises/A+ standard

The PCC viewer API uses Promises as a means for a caller to subscribe callbacks for an asynchronous operation. This API uses promises as an alternative to the pattern of providing callbacks as arguments to the API method.

The PCCViewer.Promise object is compatible with other Promises/A+ implementations, and other non-conformant promise implementations, which are "thenable" (i.e. the promise exposes a .then() method).

new Promise()

The Promise constructor is for internal use only. Promise objects returned by other API methods are created with this constructor.


then(onFulfilled, onRejected)

Use .then(...) to register callbacks to access the current or eventual value, or reason, of the promise.

A promise is in one of three states: pending, resolved, rejected. The onFulfilled callback will be called when a promise is resolved, or if a promise is already resolved, then the onFulfilled callback will be called immediately. The onRejected callback will be called when a promise is rejected, or if a promise is already rejected, then the onRejected callback will be called immediately.

Name Type Argument Description
onFulfilled PCCViewer.Promise~onFulfilled <optional>

Called if or when the promise is resolved. Optionally pass a value of null or undefined if you do not use this callback.

onRejected PCCViewer.Promise~onRejected <optional>

Called if or when the promise is rejected.


PCCViewer.Promise A promise object that is resolved according to the Promises/A+ standard.

var viewerControl = $("#myElement").pccViewer(...).viewerControl;

// a basic example
    function onFulfilled(value) {
       // according to the definition of requestPageText, the promise will be resolved with the text
       // of the page.
       var pageText = value;
    function onRejected(reason) {
        // according to the definition of requestPageText, the promise will be rejected if there is
        // an error extracting text for the document.
        alert("Something went wrong getting the text of page 1. " + reason);

// it's OK to pass a value of null (or undefined) for `onFulfilled`
    function onRejected(reason) { ... }

// it's OK to ignore the onRejected parameter, or pass null or undefined
    function onFulfilled(value) { ... }

Type Definitions


An onFulfilled callback is called if or when a PCCViewer.Promise is resolved.

Name Type Description
value *

The type and value of the value argument depends on the API method that generated the Promise object. See the documentation for the method that generated the Promise.


An onRejected callback is called if or when a PCCViewer.Promise is rejected.

Name Type Description
reason *

The type and value of the reason argument depends on the API method that generated the Promise object. See the documentation for the method that generated the Promise.



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