| Name | Description |
| Add | Adds the given Layer to the layer collection. |
| Brand | Brands or permanently draws the currently visible annotations directly into the client image according to the given bits per pixel. |
| Clear | Clears the entire collection as well as calls the clear method of the base class. |
| Contains | Searches for and returns a value which determines if the collection contains the given Layer in the layer collection. |
| CopyTo | Copies the entire collection to an array, starting at the given index of the specified target array. |
| Dispose | Releases all resources used by this LayerCollection object. |
| FromByteArray | Loads annotations from the given byte array based on instructions passed by the load options. |
| FromFile | Loads annotation data from the given file, based on the provided LoadOptions. |
| FromMemoryStream | Loads annotation data from the given stream, based on the provided LoadOptions. |
| GetEnumerator | Returns an enumerator that iterates through the System.Collections.CollectionBase instance. (Inherited from System.Collections.CollectionBase) |
| IndexOf | Searches for the specified layer and returns the zero-based index of the first occurrence within the layer collection. |
| Insert | Inserts the given Layer at the specified index. |
| Paste | Pastes the layer that is on the clipboard. |
| Remove | Removes the given Layer from the layer collection. |
| RemoveAt | Removes the matching layer to the given index within the layer collection. |
| SaveToByteArray | Saves the given annotations to a byte array. |
| SaveToFile | Saves the given annotations to the given file name. |
| SaveToMemoryStream | Saves the given annotations to a memory stream. |
| SaveToThumbnailAnnotationStream | Saves the given annotations to a memory stream which is designed to be input to ThumbnailXpress' LoadAnnotationsFromStream() method. |
| Selected | Gets the currently selected layer within the layer collection. |
| SetLoadOptions | Sets the options to use when loading annotations. |
| SetSaveOptions | Sets the options to use when saving annotations. |