ImageGear for C and C++ on Windows v20.4 - Updated
API Reference Guide > ISIS Component API Reference > ISIS Component Tags Reference > Scanning Mode Tags > IG_ISIS_TAG_LASTPAGE_SIDE

Last side scanned during a duplex batch scan. 0x06FF  1791

For scanners that support duplex scanning and can determine which side of a duplex page was last scanned, query IG_ISIS_TAG_LASTPAGE_SIDE after a IG_ISIS_run_zone call to determine the last side scanned.




Kodak and ScanOptics drivers only.


Value Defined Constant Meaning
0 IG_ISIS_LASTPAGE_FRONT Front side was just scanned.
1 IG_ISIS_LASTPAGE_BACK Back side was just scanned.


You can use IG_ISIS_TAG_LASTPAGE_SIDE with scanners that support blank page suppression or if you want to implement a mini-driver to suppress blank pages.

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