ImageGear for C and C++ on Windows v20.4 - Updated
API Reference Guide > ISIS Component API Reference > ISIS Component Tags Reference > Other Dialog Box Tags > IG_ISIS_TAG_MORE_SETTINGS

More Settings dialog exists in scanner driver. 0x0512  1298

IG_ISIS_TAG_MORE_SETTINGS indicates whether or not the scanner driver implements a More Settings dialog box and activates the More button in the standard Scanner Settings dialog box.




Drivers for all scanners that employ a "More Settings" dialog box.


1 A More Settings dialog box exists in the driver. Enable the More button in the Scanner Settings dialog.
0 A More Settings dialog box does not exist in the driver. Disable the More button in the Scanner Settings dialog.


When your application calls IG_ISIS_drv_set_dialog to display the built-in Scanner Settings dialog box, the function checks the value of IG_ISIS_TAG_MORE_SETTINGS to determine whether or not the scanner driver has its own More Settings dialog box (as many high-end scanners do). If IG_ISIS_TAG_MORE_SETTINGS has a non-zero value, then the More button of the dialog is automatically enabled. The More Settings dialog box can be displayed independently by calling the IG_ISIS_drv_set_more function:

Copy Code
lStatus = IG_ISIS_drv_set_more(lpDriver, hWnd);

where hWnd is the handle of the parent window.

See Also



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