ImageGear for C and C++ on Windows v20.4 - Updated
API Reference Guide > ISIS Component API Reference > ISIS Component Tags Reference > Barcode Detection Tags > IG_ISIS_TAG_BAR_AUTOREADFRONT

Status of barcode detection on front side pages in a duplex scan. 0x06C0 1728

IG_ISIS_TAG_BAR_AUTOREADFRONT allows an application to automatically search for barcode data on the front side of a duplex scan.




Some drivers for scanners that support barcode detection.


Value Defined Constant Meaning
0 IG_ISIS_BAR_AUTOREADFRONT_OFF Do not automatically search for barcodes on the front side.
1 IG_ISIS_BAR_AUTOREADFRONT_ON Automatically search for barcodes on the front side.


Use IG_ISIS_TAG_BAR_AUTOREADFRONT to enable automatic barcode search on front sides of a duplex scan using the current barcode search parameters. The search is done after each image is read and before the driver returns IG_ISIS_ERR_ENDZONE. If the driver supports this tag and you choose not to enable automatic search, then you need to call IG_ISIS_drv_send with the message IG_ISIS_DRV_READBARDATA when you want to search a particular page for barcode information. If the driver supports barcode detection but does not support this tag specifically, then automatic search is always enabled.

See Also



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