ImageGear for C and C++ on Windows v20.4 - Updated
API Reference Guide > ISIS Component API Reference > ISIS Component Functions Reference > Install Driver Functions > IG_ISIS_install_driver_get_ascii

Get the current value of an ASCII tag.


Copy Code
AT_ERRCOUNT ACCUAPI IG_ISIS_install_driver_get_ascii(
        HISISINSTALLDRV hInstall,
        AT_LMODE lTag,
        LPSTR  lpszValue,
        DWORD dwSize


Name Type Description
hInstall HISISINSTALLDRV Gets the current value of the specified tag.
lTag AT_LMODE Specifies the ASCII tag to get.
lpszValue LPSTR Points to a buffer to hold the result.
dwSize DWORD Specifies the size of the buffer in characters.

Return Value:

Error count.

Supported Raster Image Formats:

This function does not process image pixels.


The IG_ISIS_install_driver_get_ascii function retrieves the ASCII string that is the current value of the specified tag.

Use IG_ISIS_install_driver_get_ascii to retrieve the ASCII string of any of the following tags:

Tag Name Description
IG_ISIS_INSTDRIV_SCANNER Get the name of the scanner being installed.
IG_ISIS_INSTDRIV_TITLE Get the title to use on dialogs during user interaction.
IG_ISIS_INSTDRIV_YESNO_MSG Get the question to ask for the current YESNO request.
IG_ISIS_INSTDRIV_SHOWMSG_MSG Get the message to display for the current SHOWMSG request.
IG_ISIS_INSTDRIV_ASKSTRING_MSG Get the question to ask for the current ASKSTRING request.
IG_ISIS_INSTDRIV_ASKSTRING_DEFAULT Get the default answer for the current ASKSTRING request.
IG_ISIS_INSTDRIV_ASKSTRING_ANSWER Get the answer to the current ASKSTRING request.

See Also








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