ImageGear for C and C++ on Windows v19.9 - Updated February 4, 2021
API Reference Guide > ISIS Component API Reference > ISIS Component Tags Reference > Miscellaneous Tags > IG_ISIS_TAG_YIELDPROC

Address of a yield function. 0x0513  1299

IG_ISIS_TAG_YIELDPROC sets the address of an application-defined yield function.




Drivers for scanners that support application yield processing.


A pointer to the address of a yield function int FAR PASCAL function

(void) that has been defined in the application. If IG_ISIS_TAG_YIELDPROC is set to zero, no yielding will occur.


IG_ISIS_TAG_YIELDPROC allows your application to implement a yield function so that your application, and other applications, can obtain processor attention when the toolkit is busy scanning, reading, or writing a file. If you are using Windows, your YieldProc must be in the DEF file, and you must use MakeProcInstance to get an address to your callback.

Not all scanner drivers support this functionality. However, by using a IG_ISIS_drv_run_start/step/done loop that contains a yieldproc, you can achieve this functionality for all scanners.