ImageGear for C and C++ on Windows v19.9 - Updated February 4, 2021
API Reference Guide > ISIS Component API Reference > ISIS Component Tags Reference > Image Quality Tags > IG_ISIS_TAG_GAMMA

Gamma curve adjustment for scanning. 0x050F  1295

IG_ISIS_TAG_GAMMA allows an application to adjust the scanner's gamma curve.




Drivers for all scanners that have either automatic or downloadable gamma correction tables.


Legal values for IG_ISIS_TAG_GAMMA include the following, but may also include other values depending on the scanner's specific capabilities. Query the choices for IG_ISIS_TAG_GAMMA to determine the specific values available from the currently-selected scanner.

Value Defined Constant Meaning
0 IG_ISIS_GAMMA_AUTO Scanner's gamma correction is set to automatic.
0x80 IG_ISIS_GAMMA_DOWNLOAD1 Scanner's gamma correction is set to the first downloaded correction table.
0x81 IG_ISIS_GAMMA_DOWNLOAD2 Scanner's gamma correction is set to the second downloaded correction table.
0x82 IG_ISIS_GAMMA_DOWNLOAD3 Scanner's gamma correction is set to the third downloaded correction table.
0x83 IG_ISIS_GAMMA_DOWNLOAD4 Scanner's gamma correction is set to the fourth downloaded correction table.
0x84 IG_ISIS_GAMMA_DOWNLOAD5 Scanner's gamma correction is set to the fifth downloaded correction table.
0x85 IG_ISIS_GAMMA_DOWNLOAD6 Scanner's gamma correction is set to the sixth downloaded correction table.

The downloadable gamma tables are typically lists of 256 values.


Not all scanners support gamma correction. Of those that do, some provide automatic gamma correction, and may provide downloadable gamma correction tables. Other scanners have built-in gamma correction values that are specific to the scanner. For example, the Ricoh IS-520 has many values, including IG_ISIS_TAG_GAMMA_BOTTOMCLIP, IG_ISIS_TAG_GAMMA_1TO1INVERT, IG_ISIS_TAG_GAMMA_SHARP_61, and so forth. Refer to your scanner's documentation and to the individual scanner tag documentation included with this toolkit for additional information.