ImageGear for C and C++ on Windows v19.9 - Updated February 4, 2021
API Reference Guide > ISIS Component API Reference > ISIS Component Functions Reference > Pipe Functions > IG_ISIS_drv_is_loaded

Checks whether a driver is loaded.


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AT_BOOL ACCUAPI IG_ISIS_drv_is_loaded(
        HISISDRV hDriver


Name Type Description
hDriver HISISDRV Specifies the handle of the driver whose structure members are to be initialized to zero.

Return Value:

Returns the number of ImageGear errors that occurred during this function call. If there are no errors, the return value is IGE_SUCCESS.

Supported Raster Image Formats:

This function does not process image pixels.


The following example loads a driver and then checks to be sure it loaded before attempting to use the driver.

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/* IG_ISIS_drv_is_loaded example */
HISISDRV hDriver;IG_ISIS_drv_load_init_pipe(0, &hDriver, "driver", 0);
if (IG_ISIS_drv_is_loaded(hDriver)) {
        /* perform actions with driver such as running zones) */IG_ISIS_drv_unload(hDriver);


The IG_ISIS_drv_is_loaded function returns TRUE if a driver is loaded.

Call IG_ISIS_drv_is_loaded to determine whether or not a particular driver is loaded. You must load and initialize the driver, and then call IG_ISIS_drv_is_loaded to ensure that the driver has been loaded. If the driver was loaded, you can proceed to safely set parameters in the driver, run zones, and so forth. If the driver was not loaded, you can take whatever action necessary for your particular application (for example, the user that there is a problem), and you can skip unloading the driver. (When a driver does not load, it is not a good idea to unload it.)