ImageGear for C and C++ on Windows v19.5 - Updated
API Reference Guide > ISIS Component API Reference > ISIS Component Functions Reference > Custom Scanner Functions > IG_ISIS_selection_configure

Configure a scanner/driver combination given a scanner information record.


Copy Code
AT_ERRCOUNT ACCUAPI IG_ISIS_selection_configure(
        LPHISISSEL lphSelection,
        LPAT_ISIS_DRIVERINFO lpDriverInfo,
        HWND hWndParent,
        AT_BOOL bOnlyIfNecessary


Name Type Description
lphSelection LPHISISSEL Points to the ISISSELECTION structure as initialized by IG_ISIS_selection_init.
lpDriverInfo LPAT_ISIS_DRIVERINFO Points to a scanner information record obtained by calling IG_ISIS_selection_get_driver_info.
hWndParent HWND Handle to the parent window (provided for handling dialogs that may pop up).
bOnlyIfNecessary AT_BOOL If this value is set to TRUE, then IG_ISIS_drv_configure will only be called if the specified scanner/driver combination has not yet been set up. Otherwise, IG_ISIS_drv_configure will always be called even if no further configuration is necessary.

Return Value:

Returns the number of ImageGear errors that occurred during this function call. If there are no errors, the return value is IGE_SUCCESS.

Supported Raster Image Formats:

This function does not process image pixels.


The IG_ISIS_selection_configure function loads the driver from the specified scanner information record, calls IG_ISIS_drv_configure on it to display the driver configuration dialog, then unloads the driver.

Use the IG_ISIS_selection_configure function to perform any necessary driver setup and configuration once the user has selected a scanner.

See Also

