ImageGear for C and C++ on Windows v19.4 - Updated
API Reference Guide > ISIS Component API Reference > ISIS Component Tags Reference > Other Dialog Box Tags > IG_ISIS_TAG_CONFIGURATIONS

Driver-defined user configuration names. 0x0600  1536

IG_ISIS_TAG_CONFIGURATIONS gives an application the ability to obtain names for one or more driver-defined user default settings. The value of this tag has no meaning. The choices for this tag contain the names of each defined user configuration (IG_ISIS_TAG_CONFIG_1 through IG_ISIS_TAG_CONFIG_4).




Many scanner drivers.


The choices for IG_ISIS_TAG_CONFIGURATIONS contain the names of the user configurations that have been defined in the driver with IG_ISIS_TAG_CONFIG_1 through IG_ISIS_TAG_CONFIG_4. The value of this tag has no meaning. You can get these configuration names by calling IG_ISIS_choice_get_ascii. Typical values are:

and so forth.


By using IG_ISIS_TAG_CONFIGURATIONS, your application can provide a mechanism to allow the user to choose default values for certain critical tags. By letting the user choose a default page size, the scanner driver will always initialize the scanner to the value that the user has set.

For an example of using IG_ISIS_TAG_CONFIGURATIONS, first delete your SETSCAN.INI file to ensure that no scanner has already been selected and configured. Then run the sample application, choose a scanner, and note the resulting configuration dialog box that appears. If the scanner you are using has no user configurations defined, you will see a message box similar containing a message such as:

"This scanner's configuration is set using the system-level driver."

Otherwise, you will see a dialog box similar to the following:

The dialog box above is one of the dialog boxes built into the ImageGear ISIS toolkit and is displayed by calling IG_ISIS_drv_configure.

Tag Dependencies and Dependent Tags:

The choices returned when you query choices on IG_ISIS_TAG_CONFIGURATIONS depend on the values defined in the driver for IG_ISIS_TAG_CONFIG_1 through IG_ISIS_TAG_CONFIG_4.

See Also

