ImageGear Professional DLL for Windows

Options for JBIG data. 0x87BE  34750

IG_ISIS_TAG_JBIGOPTIONS allows an application to determine or specify various options when working with a JBIG data source.




Drivers for scanners that are capable of generating JBIG files, PIXFPACK.


IG_ISIS_TAG_JBIGOPTIONS consists of 20 bytes that comprise the JBIG header, and have the following values:

Byte Value Meaning
0 0 Reserved. (Used for progressive JBIG only 1.)
1 0 Reserved. (Used for progressive JBIG only.)
2 1 Number of planes.
3 0 Always zero.
4-7 Pixels (Motorola format.)
8-11 Lines (Motorola format.)
12-15 LinesPerStrip (Motorola format.)
16 Typically 8 Maximum Adaptive Template pixel horizontal movement
17 Typically 0 Maximum Adaptive Template pixel vertical movement
18 0 Progressive mode ordering. (Not used.)
19 Bit 7 = 0 Always zero.
19 Bit 6 1 = Two-line template; 0 = Three-line template
19 Bit 5 = 0 (Used in progressive JBIG.)
19 Bit 4 = 0 (Used in progressive JBIG.)
19 Bit 3 1 = Typical prediction on; 0 = Typical prediction off.
19 Bit 2 = 0 (Used in progressive JBIG.)
19 Bit 1 = 0 (Used in progressive JBIG.)
19 Bit 0 = 0 (Used in progressive JBIG.)


Use IG_ISIS_TAG_JBIGOPTIONS to set or read the JBIG header when working with a scanner capable of delivering JBIG data. JBIG compression is currently only available when using a Fujitsu 3099 scanner to produce JBIG data. This data can be written to a TIFF file, but cannot be uncompressed, converted to another compression format.

Information on progressive JBIG will be provided when drivers exist that support it.



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