ImageGear Professional v18.2 > API Reference Guide > ISIS Component API Reference > ISIS Component Tags Reference > Custom Dialog Box Tags > IG_ISIS_TAG_AVAILFORMAT_NAMES |
Choices containing names of available formats. 0x1320 ∙ 4896
IG_ISIS_TAG_AVAILFORMAT_NAMES allows an application to determine the names of the file types supported by the application. This allows the application to display an open or save dialog box that lists the names of the supported file types, and is generally used to help the user pick the desired file type. (Read-only.)
The choices for IG_ISIS_TAG_AVAILFORMAT_NAMES contain values such as "Compuserve (*.GIF)" and "TIFF (*.TIF)".
The choices for IG_ISIS_TAG_AVAILFORMAT_NAMES correspond to and depend on the values returned in IG_ISIS_TAG_AVAILFMTS.
The choices for IG_ISIS_TAG_AVAILFORMAT_NAMES contain the names of the available file types. The value of this tag has no meaning. After obtaining an index value for a particular IG_ISIS_TAG_FILETYPE_name (by using the Windows function LB_GETCURSEL to get the current selection of the file type list box), get the file type name string by calling IG_ISIS_choice_get_ascii using this index value in the wIndex parameter.