ImageGear Professional DLL for Windows
ArtX Component Enumerations Reference

ImageGear ArtX Component provides the following enumerations:

enumAlignModes Specifies horizontal and vertical alignment.
enumIGArtXAccess Specifies mark accessibility state.
enumIGArtXArrowStyle Specifies available arrow head styles.
enumIGArtXAttrAudio Identifies attributes of audio annotations.
enumIGArtXAttrButton Identifies attributes of button annotations.
enumIGArtXAttrCurve Identifies attributes of curve annotations.
enumIGArtXAttrEllipse Identifies attributes of ellipse annotations.
enumIGArtXAttrEncryption Identifies attributes of encryption annotations.
enumIGArtXAttrGroup Identifies attributes of group of annotations.
enumIGArtXAttrHotSpot Identifies attributes of hot spot annotations.
enumIGArtXAttrImage Identifies attributes of image annotations.
enumIGArtXAttrLine Identifies attributes of line annotations.
enumIGArtXAttrLink Identifies attributes of link annotations.
enumIGArtXAttrMark Identifies attributes common for all annotations.
enumIGArtXAttrPage Identifies attributes of ArtX pages.
enumIGArtXAttrPoint Identifies attributes of point annotations.
enumIGArtXAttrPolygon Identifies attributes of polygon annotations.
enumIGArtXAttrPolyline Identifies attributes of polyline annotations.
enumIGArtXAttrProtractor Identifies attributes of protractor annotations.
enumIGArtXAttrRectangle Identifies attributes of rectangle annotations.
enumIGArtXAttrRichText Identifies attributes of rich text annotations.
enumIGArtXAttrRuler Identifies attributes of ruler annotations.
enumIGArtXAttrText Identifies attributes of text annotations.
enumIGArtXBounds Indicates the position of the mouse cursor relative to a mark selection rectangle.
enumIGArtXBurnInOptions Specifies options for annotation burn-in.
enumIGArtXButtonState Determines the state of button annotations.
enumIGArtXCalloutType Specifies the type of callout drawn with text annotations.
enumIGArtXCoordType Determines the type of coordinate system used to specify mark position.
enumIGArtXFontStyle Describes the typeface style of a font.
enumIGArtXHighlightModes Available visual styles to identify a hotspot area.
enumIGArtXHitTest Specifies point hittest results for selected mark.
enumIGArtXMarkType Specifies available annotation types.
enumIGArtXModifyReason Specifies types of mark modifications.
enumIGArtXPenStyle Specifies the line styles of lines used to draw annotation or its border.
enumIGArtXPinAlignment Specifies alignment of Pin, assigned to text annotations.
enumIGArtXSaveFormat Specifies format used to save annotations.
enumIGArtXSelectionType Available line styles used to draw a mark or its border.
enumIGArtXTextType Identifies the context of a mark’s text attribute.
enumIGArtXUndoAction Identifies revertible mark actions.
enumIGArtXWrap The wrap directions for text that overflows the limits of a mark’s bounding rectangle.



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