ImageGear Professional v18.2 > API Reference Guide > ArtX Component API Reference |
You can only attach one ART Component. The ArtX Component cannot be attached when the ART Component is already attached. |
The ImageGear ArtX Component provides access to the ImageGear ArtX API and contains objects used for creating, loading, saving, and processing ART annotations and their groups.
ImageGear ArtX Component exposes the following API:
ArtX General API | ArtX General API. |
HIG_ARTX_ACTION | ArtX class for processing ArtX GUI actions such as marks creation, selection, move and resize. |
HIG_ARTX_ARROW | Legacy ART Arrow mark. |
HIG_ARTX_AUDIO | ART Audio mark. |
HIG_ARTX_BUTTON | ART Button mark. |
HIG_ARTX_CURVE | ArtX Curve mark. |
HIG_ARTX_ELLIPSE | ART Ellipse mark. |
HIG_ARTX_ENCRYPTION | ART Encryption mark. |
HIG_ARTX_FILLED_ELLIPSE | Legacy ART Filled Ellipse mark. |
HIG_ARTX_FILLED_POLYGON | Legacy ART Filled Polygon mark. |
HIG_ARTX_FILLEDRECTANGLE | Legacy ART Filled Rectangle mark. |
HIG_ARTX_FREELINE | Legacy ART Freehand line mark. |
HIG_ARTX_GROUP | Collection of ART marks united into a group. |
HIG_ARTX_HIGHLIGHTER | Legacy ART Highlighter mark. |
HIG_ARTX_HOLLOW_ELLIPSE | Legacy ART Hollow Ellipse mark. |
HIG_ARTX_HOLLOW_POLYGON | Legacy ART Hollow Polygon mark. |
HIG_ARTX_HOLLOW_RECTANGLE | Legacy ART Hollow Rectangle mark. |
HIG_ARTX_HOTSPOT | ART Hot Spot mark. |
HIG_ARTX_IMAGE | ART Image mark. |
HIG_ARTX_IMAGE_EMBEDDED | Legacy ART Embedded Image mark. |
HIG_ARTX_IMAGEREF | Legacy ART Image Reference mark. |
HIG_ARTX_LINE | ART Line mark. |
HIG_ARTX_LINK | ArtX link objects associated with the HotSpot mark. |
HIG_ARTX_MARK | Provides general properties and methods for all mark types. |
HIG_ARTX_NOTE | Legacy ART Attach-A-Note mark. |
HIG_ARTX_PAGE | Collection of ART groups. This class provides methods and properties for accessing to individual marks on the page, as well as to the group of marks. |
HIG_ARTX_PINUPTEXT | Legacy ART Pin-Up-Text mark. |
HIG_ARTX_POINT | ArtX Point mark. |
HIG_ARTX_POLYGON | ART Polygon mark. |
HIG_ARTX_POLYLINE | ART Polyline mark. |
HIG_ARTX_PROTRACTOR | ART Protractor mark. |
HIG_ARTX_RECTANGLE | ART Rectangle mark. |
HIG_ARTX_REDACTION | Legacy ART Redaction mark. |
HIG_ARTX_RICHTEXT | ART Rich Text mark. |
HIG_ARTX_RULER | ART Ruler mark. |
HIG_ARTX_TEXT | ART Text mark. |
HIG_ARTX_TEXTFROMFILE | Legacy ART "Text From File" mark. |
HIG_ARTX_TEXTSTAMP | Legacy ART "Text Stamp" mark. |
HIG_ARTX_TYPEDTEXT | Legacy ART "Typed Text" mark. |
AT_ARTX_ARROW_HEAD | Contains members that specify attributes of arrow drawn on and of line annotations. |
AT_ARTX_ASPECTRATIO | Contains members that specify aspect ratio parameters used in some annotations. |
AT_ARTX_BORDER | Contains members that specify line drawing attributes. |
AT_ARTX_BURNIN_PARAMS | Contains members that specify burn in parameters. |
AT_ARTX_CALLOUT | Contains members that specify attributes of callout drawn with text annotations. |
AT_ARTX_DRAW_PARAMS | Contains members that specify drawing parameters. |
AT_ARTX_EDIT_PARAMS | Contains members that specify action edit parameters. |
AT_ARTX_FONT | Contains members that specify font in format close to MS GDI+ native font. |
AT_ARTX_HITTEST_PARAMS | Contains members that specify hit test parameters. |
AT_ARTX_PIN | Contains members that specify attributes of Pin drawn with text annotations. |
enumIGArtXAccess | Specifies mark accessibility state. |
enumIGArtXArrowStyle | Specifies available arrow head styles. |
enumIGArtXAttrAudio | Identifies attributes of audio annotation. |
enumIGArtXAttrButton | Identifies attributes of button annotation. |
enumIGArtXAttrCurve | Identifies attributes of curve annotation. |
enumIGArtXAttrEllipse | Identifies attributes of ellipse annotation. |
enumIGArtXAttrEncryption | Identifies attributes of encryption annotation. |
enumIGArtXAttrGroup | Identifies attributes of group of annotations. |
enumIGArtXAttrHotSpot | Identifies attributes of hot spot annotation. |
enumIGArtXAttrImage | Identifies attributes of image annotation. |
enumIGArtXAttrLine | Identifies attributes of line annotation. |
enumIGArtXAttrLink | Identifies attributes of link annotation. |
enumIGArtXAttrMark | Identifies attributes of mark. |
enumIGArtXAttrPage | Identifies attributes of page. |
enumIGArtXAttrPoint | Identifies attributes of point annotation. |
enumIGArtXAttrPolygon | Identifies attributes of polygon annotation. |
enumIGArtXAttrPolyline | Identifies attributes of polyline annotation. |
enumIGArtXAttrProtractor | Identifies attributes of protractor annotation. |
enumIGArtXAttrRectangle | Identifies attributes of rectangle annotation. |
enumIGArtXAttrRichText | Identifies attributes of rich text annotation. |
enumIGArtXAttrRuler | Identifies attributes of ruler annotation. |
enumIGArtXAttrText | Identifies attributes of text annotation. |
enumIGArtXBounds | Used to indicate position of point (mouse cursor in most cases) relative to annotation selection border. |
enumIGArtXBurnInOptions | Specifies options for burn in. |
enumIGArtXButtonState | Determines the state of button annotation. |
enumIGArtXCalloutType | Specifies the type of callout drawn with text annotation. |
enumIGArtXCoordType | Determines the type of coordinate system used to specify mark position. |
enumIGArtXFontStyle | Specifies the style of the typeface of a font. Styles can be combined. |
enumIGArtXHighlightModes | Specifies link highlight modes that can be used by GUI to highlight the hotspot area. |
enumIGArtXHitTest | Specifies results of point hittest for selected mark. |
enumIGArtXMarkType | Specifies available annotation types. |
enumIGArtXModifyReason | Specifies types of mark modification. |
enumIGArtXPenStyle | Specifies the line styles of lines used to draw annotation or its border. |
enumIGArtXPinAlignment | Specifies alignment of Pin, assigned to text annotation. |
enumIGArtXSaveFormat | Specifies alignment of Pin, assigned to text annotation. |
enumIGArtXSelectionType | Specifies a type of selection that is drawn around mark to indicate it is selected. |
enumIGArtXTextType | Specifies available types of text annotation and what TEXT attribute of annotation means - text itself or name of file with text. |
enumIGArtXUndoAction | Used to control Undo functionality of ArtX. |
enumIGArtXWrap | Affects text mark's drawing method. |
Most of this API is represented in the C ArtX sample program.