ImageGear Professional for Windows ActiveX
IGGUIMagnifierCtl Control


IIGGUIMagnifierCtl extends IDispatch


Initialize Method Initializes IGGUIMagnifierCtl Control.
StartMouseTracking Method Starts to display pop-up window or viewing area and tracks mouse movement and release. Updates content of destination view (or viewable area) under mouse movement.
Cursor Property Specifies the type of cursor that should be displayed under the mouse tracking.
DestinationView Property An instance of IGPageViewCtl Control on which zoomed image will be displayed (it makes sense only if magnifier is not pop-up).
IsPopup Property Indicates whether the magnified view is provided as a popup window or as a separate window.
PopUpHeight Property Specifies the height (vertical bound) of pop-up magnifier.
PopUpShape Property Specifies the shape of a popup magnifier window.
PopUpWidth Property Specifies the width (horizontal bound) of pop-up magnifier.
SourceView Property An instance of IGPageViewCtl Control which image is the source for Magnifier (it will be zoomed).
Zoom Property Specifies the integral magnification power for the display of the image within the control.



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