ImageGear Professional DLL v17.1 for Windows Accusoft
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ImageGear Professional DLL v17.1 for Windows > API Reference Guide > MD Component API Reference > MD Component Functions Reference > Data Set Functions > MED_DCM_DS_Window_Level_get_64

Glossary Item Box

This function searches the Data Set of the HIGEAR image for the Window Width and Window Center Data Elements.


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AT_ERRCOUNT ACCUAPI MED_DCM_DS_Window_Level_get_64(        const HIGEAR hIGear,
        LPAT_INT64 lpWindow_Width, 
        LPAT_INT64 lpWindow_Center, 
        LPBOOL lpFound);


hIGear HIGEAR handle to the image from which you would like to retrieve the Window Level values.
lpWindow_Width Returns the value of the Window Level Width Data Element (0028,1051) as 64 bit integer.
lpWindow_Center Returns the value of the Window Level Center Data Element (0028,1050) as 64 bit integer.
lpFound Returns TRUE if both of these DEs are found in the Data Set; returns FALSE if one or the other is missing from the Data Set. Set to NULL if you do not need this information.

Return Value:

Returns the number of ImageGear errors that occurred during the function call.

Supported Raster Image Formats:

This function does not process image pixels.

The image must have a DICOM DataSet attached to it. Use MED_DCM_DS_exists to check whether the image contains a DataSet.


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AT_ERRCOUNT              nErrcount;
HIGEAR          hIGear;
AT_INT64                lWindow_min, lWindow_max;
nErrcount = MED_DCM_DS_Window_Level_get_64(hIGear, &lWindow_min, &lWindow_max,  NULL);


Use this function for 17-32 bits per pixel images. Although you can use this function for 8-16 bit images, it may impact performance in 32 bit operation systems. This function is a shortcut that was created because the values of these Data Elements are often sought after. You could perform this same operation, as you would for getting the information from any DE, by using MED_DCM_DS_move_find() and MED_DCM_DS_curr_data_get().

If both are found they are returned and lpFound is set to TRUE. If one or both of these DEs are not found, lpFound is set to FALSE and ImageGear attempts to calculate adequate values for both Width and Center to display all pixels in the image.

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