ImGearPDFToSVGAnnotationFeatures Enumeration
In This Topic
Enumerates the PDF annotation types that may be converted to SVG format.
Member | Value | Description |
All | 67108863 |
All annotation types.
AllSupported | 524540 |
All converter supported annotation types.
Annot3D | 16777216 |
3D annotation.
Caret | 8192 |
Caret annotation.
Circle | 32 |
Circle annotation.
FileAttachment | 65536 |
File attachment annotation.
FreeText | 4 |
FreeText annotatoin.
Highlight | 256 |
Highlight annotation.
Ink | 16384 |
Ink annotation.
Line | 8 |
Line annotation.
Link | 2 |
Link annotation.
Movie | 262144 |
Movie annotation.
None | 0 |
No one type of annotation is converted to SVG.
Polygon | 64 |
Polygon annotation.
PolyLine | 128 |
Polyline annotation.
Popup | 32768 |
Pop-up annotation.
PrinterMark | 2097152 |
Printer's mark annotation.
Redact | 33554432 |
Redact annotation.
Screen | 1048576 |
Screen annotation.
Sound | 131072 |
Sound annotation.
Square | 16 |
Square annotation.
Squiggly | 1024 |
Squiggly-underline annotation.
Stamp | 4096 |
Rubber stamp annotation.
StrikeOut | 2048 |
Strikeout annotation.
Text | 1 |
Text annotation.
TrapNet | 4194304 |
Trap network annotation.
Underline | 512 |
Underline annotation.
Watermark | 8388608 |
Watermark annotation.
Widget | 524288 |
Widget annotation.
Inheritance Hierarchy
See Also