ImageGear PDF v25.2 - Updated
ImGearVectPage Class

ImageGear.Formats.Vector Assembly > ImageGear.Vector Namespace : ImGearVectPage Class
This object represents a vector page which has a background and an ImGearVectorData vector drawing.
Object Model
ImGearVectPage ClassImGearPage ClassImGearVectorView ClassImGearRasterPage ClassImGearVectorData Class
Public NotInheritable Class ImGearVectPage 
   Inherits ImageGear.Core.ImGearVectorPage
Dim instance As ImGearVectPage
public sealed class ImGearVectPage : ImageGear.Core.ImGearVectorPage 
public __gc __sealed class ImGearVectPage : public ImageGear.Core.ImGearVectorPage 
public ref class ImGearVectPage sealed : public ImageGear.Core.ImGearVectorPage 
Operations such as resize and rotate can be performed on this type of page the same way they are performed on the other types of pages such as ImGearRasterPage. You can also rasterize a vector page to obtain an ImGearRasterPage from the ImGearVectPage.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also


ImGearVectPage Members
ImageGear.Vector Namespace

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