ImageGear PDF v25.2 - Updated
ImGearVectFillPattern Enumeration

ImageGear.Formats.Vector Assembly > ImageGear.Vector Namespace : ImGearVectFillPattern Enumeration
Specifies constants describing different fill patterns.
Public Enum ImGearVectFillPattern 
   Inherits System.Enum
Dim instance As ImGearVectFillPattern
public enum ImGearVectFillPattern : System.Enum 
__value public enum ImGearVectFillPattern : public System.Enum 
public enum class ImGearVectFillPattern : public System.Enum 
GRADIENT16Gradient filling.
HATCH_BDIAGONAL1Right-to-left diagonal filling.
HATCH_CROSS2Cross filling.
HATCH_DIAGCROSS3Diagonal cross filling.
HATCH_FDIAGONAL4Left-to-right diagonal filling.
HATCH_HORIZONTAL6Horizontal line filling.
HATCH_MASK15Mask that allows detection and selection the hatch fill type.
HATCH_VECTOR2048Vector hatch pattern.
HATCH_VERTICAL7Vertical line filling.
SHADOW_MASK2032Mask that allows setting the shadow fill pattern. Shadow pattern is created by right-shifting the shadow level (1-100) on 4 bits and adding to the shadow mask.
SOLID0Solid filling.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also


ImageGear.Vector Namespace

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