ImageGear PDF v25.2 - Updated
ImGearARTMarkTemplates Class

ImageGear.Art.Forms Assembly > ImageGear.ART.Forms Namespace : ImGearARTMarkTemplates Class
Provides templates for creating annotations using the mouse.
Object Model
ImGearARTMarkTemplates ClassImGearARTArrow ClassImGearARTAudio ClassImGearARTButton ClassImGearARTTextCallout ClassImGearARTCurve ClassImGearARTEllipse ClassImGearARTEncryption ClassImGearARTFilledEllipse ClassImGearARTFilledPolygon ClassImGearARTFilledRectangle ClassImGearARTPolyline ClassImGearARTHighlighter ClassImGearARTHollowEllipse ClassImGearARTHollowPolygon ClassImGearARTHollowRectangle ClassImGearARTHotSpot ClassImGearARTImage ClassImGearARTImageEmb ClassImGearARTImageRef ClassImGearARTLine ClassImGearARTNote ClassImGearARTPinUpText ClassImGearARTPoint ClassImGearARTPolygon ClassImGearARTPolyline ClassImGearARTPolyRuler ClassImGearARTPopupText ClassImGearARTProtractor ClassImGearARTRectangle ClassImGearARTRedaction ClassImGearARTRichText ClassImGearARTRuler ClassImGearARTTextStamp ClassImGearARTText ClassImGearARTTextFromFile ClassImGearARTTypedText Class
Public Class ImGearARTMarkTemplates 
Dim instance As ImGearARTMarkTemplates
public class ImGearARTMarkTemplates 
public __gc class ImGearARTMarkTemplates 
public ref class ImGearARTMarkTemplates 
This class can be used to specify a template for each mark that will be used when creating marks using the mouse. Some properties, such as the size, points, and location, are not used since those are determined when creating the mark. If a page resolution is specified for the Ruler or PolyRuler template, it will not be used; Ruler and PolyRuler marks use the page resolution of the currently displayed page.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also


ImGearARTMarkTemplates Members
ImageGear.ART.Forms Namespace

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